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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

Help? Tired and scared! I have other thread if someone wants to read my whole st


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I see most of these people been on this Benzos for years for years. My husband and my concern is that the Ashton plan too evasive and long for someone who hasn't been consistently using since August. Is there anyone who only used it for a few months on and off and has hard time getting off without horrible withdrawals: insomnia, mood swings, increased depression, acute panic attacks like I have never had before in my life, heart palpitations, loss of appetite, vomiting, body aches, skin burns, crying hysterically and face twitching. All I'm trying to do is avoid acute withdrawal and protracted withdrawl. Are there other taper plans besides Ashton I would end up taking the drug for over a year to taper when in actuality I only took a few months. Let me reinstated I was not like this before this drug. On it I'm a zombie, depressed, lethargic, void of humane emotion accept crying spells, and mood swings. Help?
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Not to mention, has anyone done this with small kids. I have a seven yr old and 2 year old. Christmas parties and science projects this month and Im a constant mess.
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I'll answer here, I see this is the same message as the PM you just sent me.  :thumbsup:


Four or five months is long enough to become physically dependent on a benzodiazepine.  On top of that I believe you've had a couple of c/t withdrawal and changes of medication from one benzo to another.  That will most likely have sensitized your system to withdrawal and another reason to do this slowly and carefully.  Rushing will most likely make you feel even worse.


If it were me, I'd go ahead and follow the taper schedule of 5 to 10% as Ashton protocol suggests.  Your post indicates that you're already in withdrawal by the description of your symptoms. 


What size Clonazepam tablets do you have?



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Someone that has been on for 5 months can be just as dependent as someone on for 20 years.  Gaba down regulation goes very quick.


The taper speed is best driven by minimizing symptoms.  As long as your dropping a little you will eventually get off. Tapers driven by ADDICTION FEAR usually end in a crash. 

Cut, hold, heal and repeat until done.  Time is irrelevant.


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What Birdman said.


I took the pills for 3 weeks, rapid tapered, and I'm suffering almost as bad as someone who cold turkeyed after years. 4-5 months of use is more than enough time to warrant a slow, slow taper.


If you wanna function on the way down, take it slow. If you cold turkeyed now you would have an acute withdrawal, but there's no guarantees on PAWS or protracted withdrawal.


You're gonna be fine though. Sounds like you got a good support system in place.

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Thanks for all your replies, where do I get a taper schedule since November I take .5 morning .5 afternoon and .75 at night. In also confused do you cut taper one dose at a time for two weeks or all three doses in a day? Ashton method confuses me? Did yall have terrible withdrawls after your last dose on the Ashton method? Or is there hardly any because how slow you went.
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I cold turkeyed. So I dunno what a taper feels like. But from what I have read, the vast majority can function on the way down. Some are healed when they hit 0. Others endure just an acute withdrawal. And a very few very unfortunate people go on to have a long, protracted withdrawal.


By tapering on the the way down you are essentially softening the blow. It may still be uncomfortable for a while. But the people that taper seem to be more functional than not. You're gonna be OK. Just listen yo your body.


And hopefully someone that did taper will come along soon to offer you some tapering advice.

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Hi again Heairet21,


So, if you were going to dry cut. Here is what a dose reduction less than 10% would look like:



Here is an example from 1.75 mg Klonopin doing a 0.125mg mg dose reduction:






1.625mg Total

That is a 7.14% dose reduction.



I hope this is helpful,

Summer :)


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