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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

Very strange, but good pattern...?


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So lately every day I have been waking up feeling good. Not refreshed. I don't have refreshing sleep yet. But I feel almost healed. Then my symptoms slowly hit me as the morning goes on. I wakr up at about 7:30am every morning and my symptoms hit by 8:30. Today I'm almost at 9:30am and I haven't got a cortisol surge or hit hardcore yet with my symptoms of the day. All I really have right now is a mild fuzzy head and some physical anxiety. But that's it really. Maybe a bit if fear because I don't want the symptoms to hit me harscore. So I'm a little on edge.


I would chalk it off as a window, but I don't feel amazing...just less bothered by my symptoms. For those that have healed or have turned a major corner, when did you feel like this? Is this a sign of healing or just some sorta....Cortisol shift?


I am noticing major improvements...just not any that would allow me to be functional yet. (Breathing and cog fog :@)

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I'm so glad you're doing better Orionbash..


Thanks Bailey! You're a little further out than me. Have you experienced any of the above?

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That is awesome! Stick with that thought that you are healing because you are! Something is shifting. I'm sure a whole bunch of GABA receptors are newly healed and going to work for your good.
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Thanks Faith! That's what I'm hoping for lol.  If this is a permanent change I will take it. Its 30 mins after my post and I still haven't been hit yet. But its still not a window. Its like window/wave limbo or something. Very strange. Lol
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Orionbash,  I am by no means well but am feeling a lot better. I felt a little fuzzy brained this morning but that is lifting. I have mild electrical shocks in my feet but they're not painful. I am generely  pleased with how I feel.
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It sounds like your body is healing, slowly, that's great! Hopefully this means you are not too long for refreshing sleep on top of feeling well in the mornings.
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Thanks guys! I'm hoping so. I need this over with!! But, expect the unexpected I'm benzo withdrawal. Last time this happened I got smacked hard a few days later. I'm not getting my hopes up this time. I have a bit of a cortisol surge right now. But its more an annoyance than anything else.
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Yep, it's a very good sign! That's been my situation for the last 4 months. First three months sucked really bad. Then I had big improvements. Had a few setbacks here and there (thought I was all healed and then would get hit for a few days). The valleys each time they come are less strong and keep diminishing in time duration though. So I'd say it sounds like you are on track. Just don't let it discourage you if you get hit again for a few days. It's most likely bound to happen and just roll with it. I’m feeling nearly 100% better. Occasionally have some slight w/d symptoms come back, but now they're pretty minor. Especially compared to those first few months. Mostly some surging, minor nerve pain in my left arm and back, occasional pressure headache, and intermittent insomnia (but definitely no more 0 hours of sleep thank god). The waves only seem to last a few hours at most now.


Congrats and hoping for your continued improvement.

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Sounds great Orionbash!  Waking up without the horrible symptoms is great ~ it has finally started for me as well.  The symptoms do return during the day, just depends on the day.  Ups and downs on the symptoms seem to be the normal thing for everyone here as you progress in time away from benzos.


Sweet pea

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It is, actually! Thanks everyone for the responses. Glad I seem to be on the path to healing and not for a long, drawn out withdrawal. Things can change, though. I accept that.
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