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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

Is This brain damage?


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Hi BBs! I have been very repetitive, lying, cannot hold a conversation for more than 3 min, my friends at work are scared about me and for what I am going to say in important and busy meetings, I feel like and look like a zombie most of the day, cannot stop speaking at work but with a lot of Nonsense phrases, I am still able to concentrate in a difficult task at work but with a lot of anxiety, not able to concentrate in easy tasks, a horrible panic attack last week, hitting my head on the desk of one assistant girl in an office full of assistants, I was crying desperate, shoutting because I was unable to make myself understood for an injustice committed to a friend of mine who was not upset at all at that...in summary behaving like crazy for something no one  could see it that big, while for me it was an unforgiven injustice act. No problems with the assistants, they like me and they were very worried and supportive ..the Last 2, almost 3 days my mental problems decreased by a lot. Anyway I cut my dose yesterday, since I will be in holidays soon.

I am seeing my Dr on the 19, shall I ask him for an MRI test?  I had an MRI done early this year and I was fine...I just know now that my brain zaps then were due to tolerance...no more brain zaps now, fortunately.

No physical sx for a at least a month. In some moments I even laugh, even more, feel myself happy. In a sense I have improved a lot after I start my taper...as I said tolerance withdrawal was very difficult for me, both pyisically and mentally, for now only  :Dmore severe mental sx.

Thank you BBs!

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I am not sure if you are going to understand this, I am triying to go as slow as I can in my taper, but once I feel myself stabilized, 4 days after being almost well, the 5th day it starts to become horrible...then I cut and feel better. I am maybe very scared of tolerance. I really want to go slower, I just find it very difficult...and I am so scared to get (maybe I have it already) brain damage for going too fast.
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Hi, I'm very sorry you're going through this, but it does sound like benzo withdrawal to me.  Many of us, myself included, had significant "cog fog" during and/or after our tapers.  Some have had to take time off work or even stop working during this time.  I doubt whether the MRI will find anything significant.  Have you read any of Perseverance's posts on the Chewing the Fat Board (top, pink highlighted)?  She explains much of this, and why healing can be such a long, slow process...



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Hi, I'm very sorry you're going through this, but it does sound like benzo withdrawal to me.  Many of us, myself included, had significant "cog fog" during and/or after our tapers.  Some have had to take time off work or even stop working during this time.  I doubt whether the MRI will find anything significant.  Have you read any of Perseverance's posts on the Chewing the Fat Board (top, pink highlighted)?  She explains much of this, and why healing can be such a long, slow process...




Thank you Megan! It is GREAT to know that you are healed now after having bad time in the past and significante cog fog. I am very happy for you! And for all of us, it is always encouraging to hear positive results. I am going to read the Perseverance posts.


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Anger outbursts and lapses of good judgment are common in benzo withdrawal, too.  If it were me and things had happened at work, I think I'd have a meeting with my boss and explain that I was having medication problems and to please be understanding for the time being.


That won't work with every boss... you'll know whether yours will be compassionate or not.



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Anger outbursts and lapses of good judgment are common in benzo withdrawal, too.  If it were me and things had happened at work, I think I'd have a meeting with my boss and explain that I was having medication problems and to please be understanding for the time being.


That won't work with every boss... you'll know whether yours will be compassionate or not.




Thank you Challis, I hope all this mess I am is just benzo w/d, this morning for example my head was much better. Yes, I told my boss everything at the very begining of my taper, he just does not believe that I am sick because of that, for him is my menopause the real cause of my brain problems and lapses...and I told him not only in case I may feel bad (I did not imagine this by then), but also because he is prescribed the same devil I am in and the same dose I was, Rivotril 2mg.

In a sense it was good that the panic attack took place in a very busy office, other colleague of mine saw me in my way out that day and helped me in the stairs, he told me that he had also a panic attack while driving and he was prescribed Rivotril 4 days ago and he felt very well with this "fabulous med"... that made me feel very sick again that he had to embarace me outside the buiding for me not to fall down...I told him everything, what to read, how to look for information...He stopped taking Rivotril that very night, at least is what he told me.

I can also take more holidays on January, not a busy month at work...

Thank you all!

Benzogirl, in the Friday night party my boss was not invited. Fortunately, we were very few people, I was feeling like zombie, but young people always make you feel better, so that it was good for me, I laughed and sang a bit.



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Anger outbursts and lapses of good judgment are common in benzo withdrawal, too.  If it were me and things had happened at work, I think I'd have a meeting with my boss and explain that I was having medication problems and to please be understanding for the time being.


That won't work with every boss... you'll know whether yours will be compassionate or not.




Thank you Challis, I hope all this mess I am is just benzo w/d, this morning for example my head was much better. Yes, I told my boss everything at the very begining of my taper, he just does not believe that I am sick because of that, for him is my menopause the real cause of my brain problems and lapses...and I told him not only in case I may feel bad (I did not imagine this by then), but also because he is prescribed the same devil I am in and the same dose I was, Rivotril 2mg.

In a sense it was good that the panic attack took place in a very busy office, other colleague of mine saw me in my way out that day and helped me in the stairs, he told me that he had also a panic attack while driving and he was prescribed Rivotril 4 days ago and he felt very well with this "fabulous med"... that made me feel very sick again that he had to embarace me outside the buiding for me not to fall down...I told him everything, what to read, how to look for information...He stopped taking Rivotril that very night, at least is what he told me.

I can also take more holidays on January, not a busy month at work...

Thank you all!

Benzogirl, in the Friday night party my boss was not invited. Fortunately, we were very few people, I was feeling like zombie, but young people always make you feel better, so that it was good for me, I laughed and sang a bit. Thank God for big favors. I don't think I would like to meet your boss. Put him in a test tube or something. Or maybe a pitri dish. :laugh:


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