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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

Introduction - 3 days off of Klonopin


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Hi all. My name is Darris. I have been taking a small dose of Klonopin for about 2 years prescribed for sleep. I ran out of the prescription and my doctor has been on vacation and I am going through withdrawal symptoms. I do not plan on refilling after reading a number of websites that explain the withdrawal process. I was shocked to learn about the withdrawals taking such a small dose. Shocking how doctors prescribe so flippantly without warning of what's to come should one decide to discontinue use.


I am having mild muscle aches, blurred vision, lacking energy, sluggish, malaise, slight ringing in the ear, mild restless leg syndrome, light headed, dizzy and as the day progresses, challenges with focus and speaking. I start slurring my words and it's embarrassing.


I found this forum and need support because I plan to just go through the withdrawals since the holidays are approaching and I have a lot of time off of work. Are these common symptoms experienced by others who have taken klonopin as just a sleep aid? With a small dose taken for 2 years, how long should the symptoms likely last? I am going cold turkey since I have not been able to get the refill. The symptoms are not insane at this point. I just feel so off and at first, I thought I was coming down with a cold or flu until researching the withdrawal symptoms on the internet. Thanks for having this site. Darris.

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Hi Darris :hug: Welcome to Benzobuddies


Congratulations on being benzo free. Your last dose was 3 days ago, you could reinstate and do a taper.  Benzos should really be tapered slowly. I am so sorry your experiencing withdrawal symptoms, they are temporary but it does take some time for the CNS to recover. The amount of time healing takes,  varies from person to person. 


Are you familiar with the ashton manual, I will put a link here for you: Professor Ashtons Manual It is an authoritative resource on benzodiazepines and withdrawals


We have a great community of caring people here. Members have been through all aspects of benzodiazepine use and withdrawal and are more than willing to share their experiences.


Here is link to the Post withdrawal support Post withdrawal recovery support board


Take a look at the success stories, it will get better, its just a matter of time. Success Stories


If you would be so kind as to add a signature (history of meds/doses etc) it will help members give you relevant advice this link will show you how to Create a signature



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Hello Darris,


Welcome to the forum from me too  :)


Congratulations on being benzo free!


Cold turkey after long term benzo use is never a good idea even when the dosage is small as some strong symptoms can result. Should the symptoms become too troublesome there is an option to reinstate with the view to tapering off slowly. The window for reinstatement is 2 weeks, that is reinstatement is most successful if carried out within 2 weeks of the date that the last benzo was taken. We normally recommend a slow taper to long term benzo users with cuts of no more than 10% of the current dosage every 10 to 14 days according to how you are feeling. Tapering slowly is advised to ensure that should you have withdrawal effects they will be kept to a minimum.


Sadly we cant tell you how long a full recovery could take as we all appear to be so different in our experiences with withdrawal and recovery but we can say it could take a little while for the central nervous system to fully heal.



I'm glad you found us and I wish you the very best whatever you decide to do.



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