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In tears - hurting


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I'm just in tears. I'm in a wave. My body hurts so bad. My back, my ribs, my gut, my ovaries for gods sake. Ironically, not my hands which usually feel crippled. I just need to be the one to be picked up tonight. Somebody be my pillar. That's all.




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  You KNOW this will pass and become another annoying memory(kinda like those folks who tell you that you KNOW this will pass) :angel:...

OK, now pretend that we are all around you sharing your pain, and our circle encompasses you. Feel the warmth and concern. Know that we know. It may help to kick someone in the shin...you may kick the person next to me...I won't mind...did you smile?

deep breathing sometimes helps shift focus...a clothespin on your little finger may shift focus...seriously, it will draw attention away from other areas...close your eyes and gently tap the center of your forehead with an index finger continuously...mental shifts to a focal point are a good exercise, so get creative and find some of your own choosing.

  And come back here often to let us know how you are doing...we won't go anywhere... :smitten: mike


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  You KNOW this will pass and become another annoying memory(kinda like those folks who tell you that you KNOW this will pass) :angel:...

OK, now pretend that we are all around you sharing your pain, and our circle encompasses you. Feel the warmth and concern. Know that we know. It may help to kick someone in the shin...you may kick the person next to me...I won't mind...did you smile?

deep breathing sometimes helps shift focus...a clothespin on your little finger may shift focus...seriously, it will draw attention away from other areas...close your eyes and gently tap the center of your forehead with an index finger continuously...mental shifts to a focal point are a good exercise, so get creative and find some of your own choosing.

  And come back here often to let us know how you are doing...we won't go anywhere... :smitten: mike



Thank you! I will try tapping my forehead. Anything. And thanks for coming around me. It helps!

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I am so sorry you are hurting.  This sucks.  It is just not fair.  I hope it will pass quickly, and you get some relief!  Hang in there  :smitten:


This is no fun!



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Pepto inhibits absorption, so the tylenol may not do much. Well, except taste REALLY...uhm...pink.

I drank a whole bottle of pepto when i was a kid...no, i don't much care for the taste anymore...yes, it does turn your poop black...yes, up until then I did like Pepsin gum...and, no I don't like it anymore.

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  You KNOW this will pass and become another annoying memory(kinda like those folks who tell you that you KNOW this will pass) :angel:...

OK, now pretend that we are all around you sharing your pain, and our circle encompasses you. Feel the warmth and concern. Know that we know. It may help to kick someone in the shin...you may kick the person next to me...I won't mind...did you smile?

deep breathing sometimes helps shift focus...a clothespin on your little finger may shift focus...seriously, it will draw attention away from other areas...close your eyes and gently tap the center of your forehead with an index finger continuously...mental shifts to a focal point are a good exercise, so get creative and find some of your own choosing.

  And come back here often to let us know how you are doing...we won't go anywhere... :smitten: mike



Those are some very good, interesting ideas.  I'll have to remember them for later.


Benniejets,  I'm so sorry you're hurting.  Pain is hard.  I had fibromyalgia in the past - I've mostly healed from it now, but it comes back now and then - but that kind of pain made me feel like I would break into a million pieces if someone touched me.  I also have chronic back pain.  I'm not sure what your pain feels like to you, but it sucks, I know.  All I can say is, when I'm in severe pain, I do whatever I can to calm myself and distract myself and I try to sleep, because if I'm asleep, I won't be aware of it.  Some of the things I use are meditation, music, lavender oil, visualization, watch stuff on netflix, watch silly cat videos on youtube (or something else), things like that.  If you can, get someone to give you a massage, or have some energy work done.


I hope you feel better soon.




~K    :smitten:

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I'm taking 6mg of klonopin daily, I'm in fear everyday and in tolerence everyday. It will pass and you will have good days, just hang in there and someday this will all be behind you! I feel your pain everyday.


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I think I am feeling similar with awful gut problems, spastic colon, cannot eat for 3 days and sleepless for various reasons but pain is the main problem everywhere. It will pass and I found a site with some self help tips.....there are some good videos with EFT and Mindfulness/positive thoughts.




Go gently.  :thumbsup:

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I am so sorry you are hurting.  This sucks.  It is just not fair.  I hope it will pass quickly, and you get some relief!  Hang in there  :smitten:


This is no fun!




THIS IS NO FUN!  :laugh:  you will get thru this, and have fun again!

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I'm just in tears. I'm in a wave. My body hurts so bad. My back, my ribs, my gut, my ovaries for gods sake. Ironically, not my hands which usually feel crippled. I just need to be the one to be picked up tonight. Somebody be my pillar. That's all.




Hi Bennie, I am so sorry you are in such a pain. Remember it is only a wave, so it will pass. You are a wonderful person, you are going to feel much better very soon, just wait a bit. We all are very proud of you!  :smitten:

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Thanks everyone!


I so appreciate your support. Last night my physical symptoms were unrelenting. Gut and back in particularly. I did take some Pepto and believe it helped a little. So now I am not afraid to take it again if I need to. But ultimately, my gut is doing whatever it wants right now.


I had taken a low acid stomach test three mornings in a row using baking soda. I'm thinking that may have effected me, especially if I have low stomach acid, as I suspect. Regardless, withdrawal to the degree I had it last night just sucks and it's good to have friends keep me in their virtual embrace.


By contrast, today was utterly amazing. Biggest window I've had since beginning this process. Go freakin figure it out!


Big virtual hug back at ya,






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I just read some of your log and I can identify so much with you. I like the raft, that's where I am this week, floating because I am not able for functioning life at the moment. I too would rule out avacado if I got an attack in front of them....I think like you LOL. I also have a hubby who does maths when I need him but drives me mad in the process :crazy: :crazy: I have also shed the people of the past who were not really "friends" and I have been lucky to find some new ones who support who I am and like me for who I am (for now). :thumbsup:


I am very glad you have a window. I am still stuck on my raft with sickness, stomach is a mess. No food for 3 days. Had a tiny bit of plain pasta last night but left the cooker on imagine, almost burned the house down which freaked me. My daughter came in and turned it off thankfully. She is home temporarily as she has come back from living in Spain recently and is moving into Dublin soon. I am glad she is here for the moment. Hubby is away every week with work so weekends are manageable. Enjoy the window - happy for you :smitten: :smitten: I have a long way to go still but I'm highly sensitive to everything so doing my best.....



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