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Dentist tomorrow for tooth extraction


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I have an appt tomorrow to have a molar extracted. Cannot afford a root canal.

Does anyone know if there are any meds I need to try to avoid during and after the procedure?


Thank you,




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Sedatives you need to be careful of. A lot of times for tooth extractions they'll use a combo of midazolam and fentanyl for the sedation. Midazolam (also known as Versed) is a benzodiazepine. Tell the doctor you do not want this and that you want a non-benzodiazepine alternative, such as propofol. Or you can do the whole thing without sedation. It depends on how comfortable you are with the idea. You wouldn't feel increased pain or anything. The armed services (Army, Navy, etc.) typically don't use sedation at all for wisdom teeth extraction and comparable procedures, so it can certainly be done.


Also, with the lidocaine for numbing your mouth, a lot of times it's combined with epinephrine to minimize bleeding. I personally don't react to epi, but it can cause anxiety in general, so you may choose to forgo the epi. It won't affect anything benzo related though.


Pain meds should be all okay. You'll probably get Vicodin or Percocet, both of which should be fine. Vicoprofen may cause a little bit of a symptom flare because it contains ibuprofen, but it would only be a temporary flare and it's not as commonly used compared to Vicodin or Percocet.


Finally, if you're given any antibiotics (which you probably won't be given, but just in case), just make sure they're not fluorquinolone antibiotics.


You got this! Good luck! :)

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Thanks for the reply thomasc93,

There's no way that I am going to let them put me out for the procedure. I had 2 wisdom teeth extracted without sedation, so I think I can handle this.

I'm mostly worried about what will be used for numbing my mouth. So, are you saying if lidocaine is used without the epi I should be okay?

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Ashton says one-off benzos for medical procedures are no problem.


I had oral surgery during my taper, and was given a combo of versed and valium (for greater than my daily dose at that time) and ad no problems.

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Thanks for the reply thomasc93,

There's no way that I am going to let them put me out for the procedure. I had 2 wisdom teeth extracted without sedation, so I think I can handle this.

I'm mostly worried about what will be used for numbing my mouth. So, are you saying if lidocaine is used without the epi I should be okay?


Yeah, lidocaine, even with epi, should be fine. How did everything turn out?

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  • 2 weeks later...
I wanted to play it safe and went with the carbocaine to numb me. One of the dental assistants warned me that if carbocaine was used, I would feel everything that was being done to me. When I told the dentist why I wanted him yo use the carbocaine he said it would be fine, so I figured I would be okay. I don't know if it was because the carbocaine was used, but the procedure was very painful. In the past I have had 2 wisdom teeth and one other molar removed and never had any problems with pain, so maybe next time I have dental work done I will not have them use carbocaine..
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