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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

When does the burning and deep nerve pain stop


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I am at 0.1mg and have been there for about 12 days.  The pain seems to be getting worse or at least not improving.  Any advice?  Should I hold or should I continue to cut to 0.05mg.


I really worry I have some autoimmune problem and this is not withdrawal cause the pain is getting worse.  It's the most hellish pain.  Deep nerve pain and burning.

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Hi SCGuy


Im sorry for the pain that you are going through.  I can totally understand and relate to it as I have lived with this type of pain for a while. My pain started whilst I was on xanax and lamictal but since I have come off both  (nearly 4 months of xanax now) , it has started to ease up.

I can totally understand why you may think you have an autoimmune disorder due to this unrelenting pain, I felt the same way and I had bloodwork done and it all came back negative.

If you read through some of the BB's posts on  'nerve pain' you will be able to see that so many members also have and had this pain. This gave me HOPE and I felt that it was withdrawal from benzos.


I cannot advise on whether or not you should cut or tape but I am sure more BB'S will give you advice on this.


I hope that this pain eases for you in time. 

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Thanks for the feedback. 

I have two kids to take care of and all the Christmas shopping and preparing for the Holidays really adds to the stress.  I don't want to let them down so the show must go on with a big happy smile while I'm burning up inside.  Oh not to mention my high stress job I have to keep.  I don't really want to worry my wife either with it. Not sure she understands anyway.  So I keep it all bottled up and nowhere to turn it seems.  I'm sure that's not helping my symptoms at all.  I'll get past it one way or another I just want to do the right thing.  Part of me says I'm already in a lot of pain just jump and get it over with but not sure it would be wise at this point.

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I also worry that my symptoms are not related to withdrawal, but then I remind myself that whatever it is I'm thinking, is there any reason not to forge onward with tapering down to 0?  Nope.  I am having similar symptoms and visiting doctors. It's part of my anxiety that I hope will abate when I've learned to cope without an anti-anxiolytic.


I, too, am eager to get to the healing phase, but tapering is part of healing, I think, because our brains have to produce enough gaba on their own. So, slow and as steady as you can go.


You're good to your wife. When we have little ones our focus is on them. Later, when the kids grow and it's just you and she, it will be about you and she'll be grateful that you "muscled" through, even if she isn't aware of it all.  I know … been there. LOVE my husband and life's not been super easy on him. I can't do enough for him now. He knows I'm slowly weaning off of Xanax, but I am sparing him my every worrisome thought.  Part of the "calm" is pretending you are.  I'm mastering that, a skill that will help me post-withdrawl.  :)


Happy Holidays to you and yours.



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Thanks for the support.  I had a bad time this afternoon and I think I know why.  I started taking gabapentin 300mg a night 10 days ago.  I now believe this maybe interfering with my taper.
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I'm probably going too fast as I am suffering terrible pain. I'm not so sure going super slow would make much difference for me either cause it was in pain at 0.5mg with interdose wd.  It is what it is.  Hell either way.  I do have some semi normal days.
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I don't think you are going to fast. But I tend to push it too. When I get to .25mg making the recommended .0625mg cuts every week (every 7 days) it will take me a month to come off. And I may just speed that up to get it over with depending on my syxs. I wouldn't do that if I were on the longer acting benzos though. The short acting benzos are easier to gage in this regard....sometimes  :crazy: Ativan and Xanax are short acting....if you can manage it keep going. You are almost at 0!! That's the first goal!  :thumbsup:


Maybe that's bad advice....people like to say hold if you are struggling....I just never got relief holding so I don't anymore...just plow through!





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