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One more thing I hate to give up...coffee


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One thing that I have always looked forward to each morning/day throughout my adult life and even as an adolescent is a strong cup of good coffee; no cream, sugar or exotic flavorings for me please. I used to be able to drink it throughout the day, until I realized that it was impairing my ability to sleep. This past year I cut back to 2 cups in the morning while indulging in a glass or two of unsweetened iced tea in the afternoon during the summer months. I LOVE unsweetened iced tea. :smitten:


Recently, I began to suspect that those 2 cups of coffee might be contributing to my morning "craziness:" mind racing, heart beat racing, perspiring my deordorant off within an hour of applying it, not smelling so good shortly thereafter, being easily agitated, along with feeling wired to the point of short circuiting. As a result, I stopped drinking any liquids containing caffeine as of last Friday.

Except for the customary headache, sleepiness, and perhaps not feeling as alert for a few hours, I have experienced a lovely sense of calm and quiet in my head. :smitten: I have been able fall blissfully asleep by 11:00. I am in no way nearly as agitated by little things as I am usually.:smitten:


BUT, I could not leave well enough alone and had to see what would happen if I had just one cup this morning. In short, I was back to feeling the way I have every morning prior to last Friday. :(


As a result, I think coffee is something that I will have to live without, but for good reasons. :)

While this not be a solution for everyone, it might be something to consider for some.

If you do not experience any agitation due to drinking coffee and can drink it 'till the cows come home, then by all means, please have a cup for me! :)


Now if I could just get rid of this bloat! >:(

Be well BBs. :smitten:

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I've been drinking coffee regularly, just about every day since I was 11. I stopped for a few months once when I was a freshman in college, only because I didn't have a job and the coffee on campus was awful. I love it and have recently had to cut back a lot. Each time I decrease my dose of Clonazepam I've also decreased the amount of coffee. I should probably give it up as well...  but it is not at all easy. I'll keep it as something that I aspire to do and just continue to slowly drink less for now :)
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Boy do I hear ya on the java. I use to drink a double espresso Jamaican Blue Mountain every morning before work years ago. Then anxiety began to set in and I had to give up all caffeine eventually. Sure do miss it.
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