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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

Is this "Cog Fog"?


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I'm having some withdrawal symptoms that I am having a hard time describing.  It typically begins in the morning when I wake up and didn't get enough sleep, which is most nights.  I typically get a clear window that starts in the evening and lasts until bedtime.

  • My head feels like it's full of wool
  • It feels like I'm dizzy, but my balance and coordination seem fine when I do things
  • I usually have a splitting headache (forehead and temples) and neck tension
  • My concentration is almost non-existant
  • Driving becomes difficult, even dangerous
  • I'm constantly fatigued, both mentally and physically.  Walking up two flights of stairs makes me stop and catch my breath.  I'm 27, 5'9", 150 lbs.  This has never happened to me before.

Is this what people refer to as cognitive fog?  Is this definitely a withdrawal symptom?

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Yes, it's cog fog, which for me was always accompanied by the head congestion.  I also had a lot of temporary visual issues, even so-called minor hallucinations (visual distortions) that made it difficult to drive for awhile.  The muscle spasms in the neck and shoulders are common.  So are the other symptoms you mention.  Balance and coordination issues, often called "boatyness," are common as well.  Don't worry, though, all this is temporary, and will go away as you heal.



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