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Hold, cut, updose?


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I have been tapering from 3mg daily xanax usage with a valium cross over. I have hit a extremely rough patch which was self inflicted from trying to go to fast near the end.  I was stable on 7mg, not symptomless but functional.  I decided to cut 6mg and then drop to 5mg a week after. I don't think I even fully felt the cut from 7-6 because of the long half life. I have been holding at 5mg for just about 4 weeks, and the symptoms are extreme. Pretty much have been bed ridden, unable to sleep, headache 24/7, foggy head, stomach pains, racing thoughts. So out of it that I don't even trust my self to drive right now. Physically and mentally hurting bad, although some of the mental things have lightened up over the 4 weeks. At this point I'm not sure if I should try to up dose back up to 6 or 7mgs or if I should hold and ride it out a bit longer and hope things turn around. What is the recommend window before up dosing? Also since I cut fast is it possible I will never stabilize at 5mg without paws? Any advice or input is greatly appreciated.



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Can you give us a date timeline, please? I know you feel like crap, but it would help us help you if you condensed your details into your signature. Go to your forum profile and fill in the box in the lower right corner. Then help will be on it's way.

Best, Bennie


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Hello Bennie,

My timeline of taper was being written calendar which was accidentally tossed so my history is not complete, that's why I never completed the signature. Here is a rough timeline I have put together, lol that shows how wrong I've been trying to do this....


2008-2010 .25mg x 3 Klonopin

2010-2011 .5mg x 3 daily Klonpin

3 week taper, lasted a week off before headaches caused me to reinstate with xanax xr.


.5mg x 3 xanax xr 2011

1mg x 3 xaxax xr 2011 -2013 +.25mg IR prn never exceeding 4mg daily

Started having extreme anxiety and feeling sick in late 2013, believe at this point I had built tolerance to 3mg daily.


Started self taper Jan 14.

Jan 3-2 mg

Feb 2-1 mg

March -June  .75mg xanax held and stabilized. Felt ok


June -forced by dr to cut from .75mg -0 in 2 weeks. Failed taper and reinstated and stabilized at 1.5mg.

July pressure to resume work from family, reinstated back to 3mg daily for 1 week felt terrible.


July-August  Dropped back down to 1.5mg crossed over at 20mg Valium. Felt ok


August - December 20mg down to 5mg


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Sorry you're hurting so much.


Thinking you might do better to up dose to 6mg.You blew right through it. Then hold steady until you find that you are managing relatively tolerable symptoms. Work out a tapering plan that is SLOW. Ask for help with your Valium tapering plan in the tapering plan thread. Take their advice. No way to predict PWS. You can only deal with what's in front of you now.


Hang in there,


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Oh yeah - definitely too fast. You've reduced 15mg in just a few months. OUCH!


I would definitely try going back to where you last felt reasonably okay, hold there until you feel a bit better and then consider doing a daily taper from there. A lot of people on the lower doses of valium simply can not cope with those dry tablet cuts. If you liquefy part of your dose you will be able to cut tiny amounts every day and that is much kinder on your body.


Take a look at the links I have in my signature below to give you an idea of how a daily liquid taper can be done.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thank you all for the advice. I updosed  to 6mg on 12/10.  It took a few days but I am finally feeling like I'm a leveling out. Was able to go to the gym today and do yard work without feeling like I was going to pass out and the intense depression has lifted. I plan on holding at 6mg till the first of the year. Moving forward I will be following the TRAP taper schedule. Dropping down from 6 to 5 mg, holding for 3-4 weeks and then making .5mg cuts every 3-4 weeks at minimum .  The situation I was in a few weeks ago, made me realize I have to slow down, lol or else  :idiot:. Thanks again for advice.


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