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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

Think I may be experiencing kindling - will I recover?


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This is my third time off, last took zopiclone two months ago for five weeks, off for 2 months. My worst symptom is horrible burning nerve pain, followed by insomnia. This time in withdrawal seems a lot harder than first time. Are there any others out there who have been on benzos more than once? What was your recovery experience like?

Getting thyroid disease last year really threw a spanner in the works as it caused severe insomnia hence me resorting to zopiclone in desperation. Also during my first taper and recovery period I was able to keep taking an AD for sleep. But for some time now AD's even very low dose really knock me around, so no longer take them. I am sure recovery is more straightforward when one can sleep ok.

Anyway feeling pretty discouraged right now.

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I was off klonopin for a year and in desperation reinstated to xanax for a month and then quit cold turkey when it didn't help.  I definitely kindled, I was a real mess.  Now, three months later, I am still struggling, slowly seeing some improvement.
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Yes I have been on benzos more than once. I was taken off cold turkey both times. These doctors😖Both times were really bad and the burning pain was one of the worst symptoms. I am getting progressively better but am still struggling . I am recovering and so will you!
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