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I did some activity with them (golf, for example).  If I felt like being sociable, I'd talk.  If I didn't, I'd go look for my ball off in the desert somewhere.  I think any activity will do (quilting, knitting, puzzles, cards, walking...).  Helps to have a few people together, so that if you feel the need to shut down a bit, the other people can entertain themselves.
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How do you connect with life people self friends when one feels disconnected from everything?


Try not to force yourself to do too much dolphins. Go to your friends and family when you feel calm. If you start to feel bad you can always leave. You have to be selfish right now. You're a strong man and a warrior. The most gentle souls are the most courageous. How has your day been? Want to talk a bit more? Do you have a buddie blog? That might help us keep up to date on your situation.

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