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Severe Stomach Pain


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My father is two weeks into his recovery since tapering to his last dosage, and he is experiencing severe stomach pain, which I know is one of the symptoms.


Does anyone have any recommended remedies to help?  I've read that seltzer, coconut water, yogurt, etc. are all helpful.  Any advice would be greatly appreciated.



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Although some discomfort and even mild pain would be considered fairly normal with withdrawal I am concerned about the severity of your father's pain. If it continues you might want to contact his doctor or take him to the ER just to rule out anything serious.
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I had stomach pain around the 2 week mark. Mostly because I was vomiting a lot. Was he vomiting a lot the first week? If so, its just the body repairing. But it never helps to get checked out at the ER. He could even do all his tests just to be on the safe side. Then going forward you know its all withdrawal.
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