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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

Dr prescribed Adderall to help with withdrawal symptoms


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Having a very difficult time getting off 1mg of Clonezepam. Very bad withdrawal symtoms, primarily heavy brain fog and depression.  I have failed sofar with several tapers and am now going to try a liquid titration so I can go in very small increments. My Dr has been gently "pressing" for me to try a low dose of Adderall to deal with the general apathy, concentration problems, and overall lack of interest in things caused by long term Benzo use.


I am very hesitant to add any other drugs, I am anti-drug now and trying to be 100% free but I do trust this Dr, been with him a year and he is not a pill pusher. I have used Adderall in the past and it did provide me wth a quick boost and elevation in energy in mood. (Also, outside of Benzos I do not have any addiction issues so I am not worried about that)


Has anyone used Adderall or other drugs for a temporary period to help through the taper withdrawal?



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Hi, Dinopass. I've used various stimulants over the years but in an attempt to come off all meds, I went through Klonopin withdrawal without them.


I've been extremely sensitive to even a cup of coffee, especially since I came off of Klonopin. Some folks just get very, very sensitive to meds during this withdrawal.


Are you having any insomnia issues right now? That would be my other concern with stimulants. They may help with some s/x and work against you for other s/x.



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Adderall is a mixture of 4 amphetamine salts; it is pharmaceutical grade speed, nothing more or less.


Amphetamines are potentially habit-forming and neurotoxicity appears as doses escalate. They are also known to provoke severe anxiety reactions in susceptible people.


Be careful.

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