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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

Two Weeks Out since last Benzo


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My father is just coming up on 2 weeks since he was released from a detox facility where they performed a rapid taper (10 days) from Klonopin (i believe he was at 1.5 mg, max, per day), by switching to Valium (he left the facility taking 0.25 mg in the morning and that was his last dose).  Since he's been released, he's had waves of severe anxiety, GI problems, trouble sleeping, etc., HOWEVER, he has had some really solid windows where he feels really good for 24 hours or so.


Now that he's almost 2 weeks out, my family and I don't believe we should reinstate.  I know that goes against most of what I'm reading on here, but I believe that the longer he can be benzo-free, the easier his overall recovery will be.


Any suggestions/thoughts/advice would be greatly appreciated, thanks.

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My father is just coming up on 2 weeks since he was released from a detox facility where they performed a rapid taper (10 days) from Klonopin (i believe he was at 1.5 mg, max, per day), by switching to Valium (he left the facility taking 0.25 mg in the morning and that was his last dose).  Since he's been released, he's had waves of severe anxiety, GI problems, trouble sleeping, etc., HOWEVER, he has had some really solid windows where he feels really good for 24 hours or so.


Now that he's almost 2 weeks out, my family and I don't believe we should reinstate.  I know that goes against most of what I'm reading on here, but I believe that the longer he can be benzo-free, the easier his overall recovery will be.


Any suggestions/thoughts/advice would be greatly appreciated, thanks.


I agree 100%....

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