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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

Ambien Withdrawal Symptoms


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Hi all


I am on my third cut of Ambien. (See my signature below). I have tapered from 5mgs. I have noticed on day 3 the withdrawals seem to hit. Today is day 3 and no exception .

Symptoms : crawling skin especially in my face and hands, head pressure and zaps, pins and needles , back pain and hand pain has increased 7/10 today,  freezing cold , eye pain , tired . I guess I am really used to this by ( especially after all the meds I have withdrawn from  :-[)  now but when it comes back , its nervewracking.


A day on the couch for me !!!

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Hi all


I am on my third cut of Ambien. (See my signature below). I have tapered from 5mgs. I have noticed on day 3 the withdrawals seem to hit. Today is day 3 and no exception .

Symptoms : crawling skin especially in my face and hands, head pressure and zaps, pins and needles , back pain and hand pain has increased 7/10 today,  freezing cold , eye pain , tired . I guess I am really used to this by ( especially after all the meds I have withdrawn from  :-[)  now but when it comes back , its nervewracking.


A day on the couch for me !!!



Everything you describe are all normal symptoms of withdrawal. I know they are awful. It sounds like you are all to familiar to feeling like crap  :( I think your day on the couch sounds like the right thing to do. Hopefully since you are tired you may find some rest.

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Thanks benzos-R-cruel.

You are right. It comes on so sudden that it takes me by surprise. I went for a walk this morning and wham...about an hour later I felt thses symptoms come on. Just carry on and accept what is.

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