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a Question regarding healing


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I read a long post under whats happening inside Your brain . It was written back in Ocotober of 2012 by Parker.  She went on to explain the physiology of regeneration of the brain after benzo use. 


The post was read by many folks on this forum.  Did She say that the brain does not start to heal until a benzo is completely out of the body or does the healing start as soon as the tapering starts  in which the blood level is SLOWLY lowered ?  If I understand this correctly the symptoms during tapering can indicate healing is that correct ? 

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I read a long post under whats happening inside Your brain . It was written back in Ocotober of 2012 by Parker.  She went on to explain the physiology of regeneration of the brain after benzo use. 


The post was read by many folks on this forum.  Did She say that the brain does not start to heal until a benzo is completely out of the body or does the healing start as soon as the tapering starts  in which the blood level is SLOWLY lowered ?  If I understand this correctly the symptoms during tapering can indicate healing is that correct ?


What I understand is it is possible to have some healing and regeneration during tapering but there is also research that states true healing only happens after you take your last dose. I have read that this is the case bc as long as you are feeding the brain with the benzo it can't truly start to upregulate and get normal. Although there is definite healing of some kind for some happening during tapering bc when they get to the lower doses and jump they have very little added syx and sometimes even have relief. Though this is not the case for everyone. I think the body can adjust to taking less medicine over time, but does the brain actually repair while the body is still being fed the drug?? Not sure about that one. Maybe it does for some, but I would venture to guess this does not happen for all. Too bad there isn't a blood test or X-ray or any other test to check this out huh? This journey would be a lot easier to understand if there was definitive answers as to what was REALLY taking place in our CNS at any given moment through actual tests like we have for broken bones.



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I copied and pasted Parkersburg post into my computer. I believe the length of time you took the benzo. before tapering as well as the size of the dose will reflect the length of time it take your brain to relearn how to take care of your body. Your brain has lost the ability to control your nervous system because the benzo takes over that when you have been taking the drug for a long time. As you taper your brain is relearning and this may cause the side effects of each taper. Dr. Ashton's organization is trying to determine exactly what occurs in the brain trying to see the brains of people before and after their detox with Pet scans, CT scans, MRIs etc. today. Everybody is different in their tolerance to benzo use. For some there are no problems withdrawing. For me it has been a struggle. I hope yours is easy.
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