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cut too fast and re instating previous dose , plus a few other questions. thanks


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Hi everyone and thanks for welcoming me to the group :thumbsup: I have made a newbie mistake and gone into my taper too hard , i have gone from 2mg diazepam (6 months) and cut down to 1.4mg in 3 weeks  .2mg a week as the doctor reccommended . Big mistake ! Im layed up with severe muscle pain , no energy and just dont feel like my personality is there anymore. Im going back up to 1.6mg as of yesterday and just wondering how long till i pick back up ? If anything i feel worse today than before  :(


I know the recommended reduction is 10% every 2-4 weeks and will not vary from the plan again , just gotta level out first , also how long do you hold a dose after you start to feel "normal" before making the next cut ? Thanks in advance and im so glad i found this support group, keep up the good work !

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How have you been doing your cuts? At your dose a daily liquid taper is often the method that people chose because it makes side effects much more manageable. You can have a look at the links I have in my signature below to see the method I used.


10% over 2 weeks is the maximum that is recommended, but a lot of people find that too much. However, if you are doing a daily taper, percentage cuts really don't come into it. Some people call it a "symptom based taper", where you cut daily based on your symptom, and hold when necessary. At your dose I would suggest a daily cut of between 0.01mg and 0.02mg per day.  Start lower than you think you need to and work your way up.


You will probably need to keep on your dose for at least a couple of weeks before you know if it's working, but you might end up needing to go back to 2mg and starting from scratch again.



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Hi , thanks for the reply


At the moment I have a Diazepam elixir (liquid) as I requested from the doc mixed at 10mg per 10mls . I am using a syringe with .1 incriments so I am getting my measurement exactly right each day . When I was on 1.6mg the week before I had symptoms but bearable and I could still function. Now I have gone past this point will I need to reinstate to a higher dose say 1.8 or above ? I cheaked your taper schedule and it has given me a good idea on what to aim for  :) I don't know too much about w/d and any advice from someone whos been there would be much appreciated. Thanks again mate :thumbsup:

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It's great that you've already got the LV. Have you been using the LV straight or diluted? It's usually best to dilute with water as it makes it much easier to measure. My preferred ratio (as you have possibly already read) is 1:100 as you can then use a 10ml syringe and it makes measuring your daily cuts much easier.


If you use the 100ml solution, and make cuts of between 0.01mg and 0.02mg per day, that would equate to between a 1ml and 2ml reduction per day.

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Im using it straight and having 2 doses of .8ml a day . I see what your saying about the dilution and daily taper , sounds like a great idea to minimise symptoms and I guess when/if the WD gets to bad just hold for awhile ? Im still feeling shocking even though I upped my dose yesterday, will it take awhile for my base levels to raise up again ? I assumed I would feel better not worse  ! I will definitely work out a dilution and daily taper when I have stabilized . Thanks for the advise
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