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Lower back pain zorvolex?


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I've been benzo free for 18 months. My only issue now is nagging lower back stiffness, occasional groin pain and ringing in the ears. I decided to see a specialist for this lower back pain, he prescribed Zorvolex which is a anti inflammatory NSAID medication for one month.


After taking 3 doses of the introductory 18 mg provided by doc, I had the most amazing day. I was in the gym doing stretches and weights. I couldnt believe my usual back issue was gone no stiffness whatsoever. I then continued onto the 35 mg but had such aweful stomache pain, I desired not to continue. So i went without while i was waiting to hear back from my doc. Lower back stifness came right back. Doc agreed to put me on low dose again 18 mg, so this was recent and here I am 3 doses into it and still have back stiffness. I'm hoping short term use of this med will allow me to turn the corner and get my back in a normal state. I believe my tinnitus has gotten much worse which does worry me. I told myself a while back no more meds or doctors but I'm desperate and sick of beeping in pain.


Does anyone else out there have any experience with zorvolex? Any responses are greatly appreciated.



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