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losing weight but it seems to be muscle


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Weight loss is a very common symptom. I lost nearly all my muscle along with 25 pounds during my first cold turkey withdrawal. I was a toothpick and under 100 pounds at 5'8. Finally around month 4 or 5 my weight came back. This withdrawal I have had weight gain, far less common but nevertheless not that uncommon. You will gain in back. I promise. :)
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Me too!!! Im losing weight on scale yet i have a layer of fat over my bones.  If i stand with my legs shoulder width apart and sway back and forth...the fat between thighs jiggle... Like a water bed.  Eww.
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Ugh me too! Lost 30 pounds way too fast and everything is drooping. My poor boobies and butt! They were so awesome. Hopefully I can fix them back up. I have the skinny legs with the fatty thighs too.



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I wonder why this is happening? Why would we burn muscle before fat? I have burned fat too but seems like a lot more muscle. I'm eating protein so I would think it shouldn't happen.
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I wonder why this is happening? Why would we burn muscle before fat? I have burned fat too but seems like a lot more muscle. I'm eating protein so I would think it shouldn't happen.


Do u use a protein shake?  Ive heard of people reacting to it but i am contemplating using a vegan one called Vega One.  Any one here knowledgeable with protein shakes to let me know if it would be problematic to take?  Yes, why is it that the muscle is melting off opposed to the fat? 

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I've tried protein shakes abs sometimes they flare me up and sometimes they don't. I used the ones from costco. When ever I eat I get reved up and it doesn't matter what it is. However, grains really seem to screw me up good! I can eat sugar, msg, dairy but grains no way.
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