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Acute definition?


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I'm sorry if this is posted somewhere but what is the definition of acute? Is that the same thing as cold turkey? If not, how long is acute? I'm assuming it happens in the beginning of withdrawal? Thank you! Hope it's ok I'm asking this on this board.
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Hi, acute withdrawal is usually thought to be the first few months off.  :thumbsup:


No, a cold turkey withdrawal is when your stop abruptly without any kind of taper. The acute phase is the early phase of withdrawal, and can last up to several months but most often I see about 4 weeks. This is when symptoms are their very worst. I would say many of us here found out way here when we were in the acute phase.

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Oh ok thank you so much for clearing that up for me! I actually decided to start posting on here after still experiencing waves of withdrawal three months out from finishing my taper and realizing I'm still not through my withdrawal. But I joined back when I started taking the ativan and started realizing it was causing me so many horrible reactions. I'm so grateful for this site and all of you on here!
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