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Muscle Pain - Need some coping skills


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I have had severe muscle pain since early summer and after the process of elimination with prominent neurologists, orthopedics, MRIs, and you name there is no diagnosis.  So I figured it out...had to be Xanax tolerance.  Switched to Kpin in late Sept, it helped a little, just crossed over to Valium and all pain was gone for about 4 days then the tolerance came back.  I have been dry needled and even treated by an NFL team chiropractor.  Massage and yoga provides little relief.


I cannot exercise at all.  Pain is in my glutes, neck, shoulders, arms, pelvis. It is severe muscle tension and I can't shake it.  It is debilitating.  I am at 7mg Valium with an 8 week schedule to go.  It will be by God's grace that I make it.


Does anyone have any suggestions? 

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Need2 heal


I have suffered this debilitating pain. I have been in pain since January 2014.  I like you have been  on Xanax. It is Xanax along with Ambien and other meds that has contributed to this pain.

For me , no amount of physio, pilates, walking or stretching made it better. Im off xanax 15 weeks now and I am tapering Ambien. I think I turned a corner when I was about 12 weeks off xanax.

Please taper your medications as advised .The BB's here are very well informed.  I C/t off xanax but I was under a doctor who advised this and I was moved over to Valium 9mgs.  BB's here have informed me that this was not a correct or propes cross taper nor should I have come off xanax at such a high dose.

I can say that hot baths , heating pads helped me. Sometimes biofreeze which would help my muscles relax.

When it got very painful , I opted to go on a lioderm pain patch . This has helped too.

It wll get better for you but it takes time. When these medications get out of your system you will heal .

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7 weeks to go! Consider how long you took and tapered, you can make it. Just get through one day at a time. The end is in sight. Believe in your ability to get to the end. You have so many specialists that have ruled out anything else. Dr. Ashton states after years of studying withdrawal symptoms that muscle pain is really a symptom of withdrawal. Just hold on. The horrible roller coaster of tapering will end. Next spring is going to be wonderful for you.


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Using wet heat helps a lot for muscle tension and pain.  You know, the kind of heat packs used by chiropractors (they're canvas bags filled with clay.  when you want to heat them you stick them in a large pot of water and heat them up on a stove.  make sure you cover them with a couple of towels, and as the heat dissipates take off the layers.  these things are awesome.)


Cold packs also work sometimes.  It kind of depends.  Both heat and cold will give relief.


Also, like someone mentioned, Tiger Balm, or the blue stuff chiropractors use.  (I think it's called mineral ice.)

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Watching this thread.  I'm in the same boat and could use any/all tips myself.


Have you tried massagers?  I found this one very good for the neck.




Van, wet heat is great!  I spent an arm and a leg on a supposed wet heating pad, it was useless and very uncomfortable.  I haven't heard of the clay kind, will look into it.  I also use a sock filled with white rice and nuke it.

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Thanks I will explore these options.  Whoever Becky is...thanks for your words of encouragement.  That is what I need...a good coach.
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I have had this brutal symptom on and off my entire taper. It truly awful. I find warm/hot baths and heating pads give me the most relief (even if it's temporary).


Another Benzo Buddie recommended an acupuncture mat and says its helped her tremendously. I just ordered mine on Amazon ($20) and should be getting it in the next couple of days. I'm willing to try anything. It's pretty inexpensive so I figure it's worth a try.


Feel better  :)


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I also have the acupuncture mat and pillow, geez, there's not a lot I haven't tried!  Did the dry needling too ... ouch ... treating pain with pain not a good idea!  Have you tried actual acupuncture?


Oh, I do want to mention meditation or self hypnosis for pain.  It helped me enormously, particularly with falling asleep.  Unfortunately I'm unable to really meditate now due to other sxs I have  ::) but I still use the principles I learned every day!  Highly, highly recommended!  Go fully and deeply into the pain and work with it, as opposed to trying to distract from it.


It sucks, I know, and I'm sorry for everyone's suffering!



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I have had severe muscle pain since early summer and after the process of elimination with prominent neurologists, orthopedics, MRIs, and you name there is no diagnosis.  So I figured it out...had to be Xanax tolerance.  Switched to Kpin in late Sept, it helped a little, just crossed over to Valium and all pain was gone for about 4 days then the tolerance came back.  I have been dry needled and even treated by an NFL team chiropractor.  Massage and yoga provides little relief.


I cannot exercise at all.  Pain is in my glutes, neck, shoulders, arms, pelvis. It is severe muscle tension and I can't shake it.  It is debilitating.  I am at 7mg Valium with an 8 week schedule to go.  It will be by God's grace that I make it.


Does anyone have any suggestions? 


I doubt you are in "tolerance". Your tapering schedule is way too fast. Tapering quicker does not equate to feeling better quicker.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I am also developing this muscle pain..am on 600 mgs of gabape tin for 4 hears.i refuse trazadone, it got me in this mess..k wd is. Ery long and nasty.ive waitied 3 months and now this slow taper is bringing this pain amd I mean

slow..just .001 a day right now to .005..not good...I see alot of this on the site...flower

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  • 1 month later...
I took the problem of the horrible muscle pain everywhere to benzo psychiatrist yesterday. She says it is one of the most common problems with benzo withdrawal. She said a lot of drugs can be almost as addictive as benzodiazepines, However, she advised a muscle relaxer will help tremendously to get through this. She prescribed a most commonly used one and said she has prescribed even pretty high doses and it has helped and when over I will easily be able to come off. Not allowed to suggest drug names here but it will be in my signature.
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