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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

JUMPED! So happy :)


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Last night was my first one without alprazolam. And I could sleep almost 6 hours!


My main w/d effects are being the big anxiety, difficulty to breath, awful memory and attention, and poor self esteem. Also some more cognitive random effects like cog fog, dizziness, headache...


But, actually, I FEEL MUCH BETTER THAN before I started the tapering! I feel that I'm strong, that I've made something really important to myself, and I feel plenty of joyful now.


I'm so happy to think that I'm not going to take this shitty drug anymore, that made me be another person, always sad, always confused, always anxious. This person that was so nervous and mad if was with no drug in the bag, that was asking her parents to ask for the drug and send her the packets, my god! I was so addicted and during that I didn't realize! I thought I was chronic sick... BUT NO!


Now I just have to deal with this w/d effects, and find natural and powerful ways to fight against my anxiety.


SO HAPPY!!! Today starts a new life. Hard, but I will be 'myself' soon.

Thanks to BB and all the people who supported me. :smitten:

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Le Felicito...muy bien, te. :clap:


congrats maku, being poison free is a big achievement !

way to go, take it easy and i wish you a speedy recovery. :smitten:

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So happy for you Maku!! :clap:  :thumbsup:  It's a great feeling of accomplishment to be off these drugs!  I pray you continue to heal and get stronger every day....



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Congratulations! Don't look back, don't worry about what you did, just who you are. Look forward.  So glad you got sleep, too! More restful hours ahead.
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Congratulations! Don't look back, don't worry about what you did, just who you are. Look forward.  So glad you got sleep, too! More restful hours ahead.


Thank you very much. Yes, look forward! Today it's being a bit hard... but this is like this, needs time!  :)

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If you did this, you can keep going!!!! Great job!!!!

(PS what is sulpiride?)

xoxoxox :thumbsup:


Supiride is a drug that the doctor gave me for the fast w/d process, it's an antiphsicotic, neuroleptic... a bit scary though but is also given for anxiety and other depression problems in low doses http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sulpiride (It  is not approved in the US). I don't know if it helped me or not, but at least gave me appetite, and I have a very skinny constitution.


But I already left it as well, I don't want another dependance. I'm totally clean!  :D

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