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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

How do you go on day after day?


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What keeps you going when all is lost? When you just get through each day. When you wake up And get slammed right back into the shit again. Then have to hang on until bed.


When you can't find any asmblence of yourself.


When you are in the darkest hell known to mankind.


Please tell me how you do it?


when hope is just a word.


When the last time you felt live was maybe when you were young.


When joy isn't even in your memory banks

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Sometimes the fact of eating a simple cake that was by far the only pleasure of the day. Search small stimuli, even very small. If you try, you'll find something. And if not, do a list of things that you will do when you're healed. Try to focus on the positive. If you focus on the positive, you´ll see the more things to feel pleasure in the present time. Take care.
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What keeps you going when all is lost? When you just get through each day. When you wake up And get slammed right back into the shit again. Then have to hang on until bed.


When you can't find any asmblence of yourself.


When you are in the darkest hell known to mankind.


Please tell me how you do it?


when hope is just a word.


When the last time you felt live was maybe when you were young.


When joy isn't even in your memory banks


Hope4444 once told to me....

you push it as hard as you can, day by day this hell, until one day it won't be hell :'( :'( :'(

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Dolphin do you ever stop complaining? I hate to sound like a jerk but there are people on here FAR worse off than you. People who CANNOT LEAVE THEIR BEDROOM'S people who have CRIPPLING physical pain. People who LITERALLY have panic attacks 24/7 so severe they DO NOT SLEEP and they hallucinate confusing fantasy with reality. You need to STOP COMPLAINING because you are NOT that bad. I don't care if I get banned for this. Sometimes you have to be cruel to be kind. I'm not God, I'm not perfect. I want you to just ENJOY life. Seriously you DO NOT have it that bad. Go do something you enjoy. Eat some fast food, drink some coca cola. Smoke or drink a small amount of alcohol if you use to like it. Seriously man stop being so selfish. There are people here who care about you. I CARE about you. At the end of the day though if you don't want to make that 1% commitment towards getting better you can suffer for the rest of your life and never find peace. I had days where I could not stand being alive but what helped me get better was trying to take control of the things that were in my power. Such as drinking water, eating well, exercising, cleaning my room, talking to friends even if I was having HORRIFYINGLY ANNOYING intrusive thoughts. The ones who get better ARE THE ONES WHO DO THEIR HOMEWORK.
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That was a little harsh, Rathyr. There is only so much mental torment one can take. I think it depends on the person. I, for one, can handle the physical much better than the mentals. Other users find the mentals easier to deal with. Its a different experience for everyone. And this isn't a matter of mind over matter for most people. Just because you took Prozac and reacted well and the anxiety has dissipated for you doesn't make you an expert on dealing with anxiety.


Telling people to fight the demons of withdrawal isn't that simple for everyone. I have been standing right outside my house having a smoke and have gotten confused as to where I am. If I went out for a walk, that could happen at any time and it could last for much longer. That's why I'm agoraphobic. And I don't wanna leave the house. That and the tightness in my chest that has been relentless since my 6 week mark.


If this was mind over matter, there would be a lot less people on this forum.

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What keeps you going when all is lost? When you just get through each day. When you wake up And get slammed right back into the shit again. Then have to hang on until bed.


When you can't find any asmblence of yourself.


When you are in the darkest hell known to mankind.


Please tell me how you do it?


when hope is just a word.


When the last time you felt live was maybe when you were young.


When joy isn't even in your memory banks


I chose not to address these concerns.  I was certain all these concerns were from the benzos.  I was certain benzos had made me very ill.  I knew I was not thinking right.  Since my mind was a complete mess, what value would come from thinking about these bigger questions.


I decided to wait until I was feeling better to take on these questions, if they were still there, then.


When I felt better, these questions weren't really much of an issue.


I always knew it was only a matter of time.  So I waited. 


Whatever faith is, I had it then.  The faith that I would not always feel bad.  The faith that I would heal. 

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The only thing that keeps me going is the knowledge that all this will end one day and I will have my life back.


I feel the same way, if you are still alive you are meant to be here!

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What keeps you going when all is lost? When you just get through each day. When you wake up And get slammed right back into the shit again. Then have to hang on until bed.


When you can't find any asmblence of yourself.


When you are in the darkest hell known to mankind.


Please tell me how you do it?


when hope is just a word.


When the last time you felt live was maybe when you were young.


When joy isn't even in your memory banks


Hi dolphins :hug:


You just got to keep on going, you will get there eventually. Withdrawal is tough, you just have to get up do what you can to get through each hour, keep reminding yourself that “its temporary”.  It was the members posting to me telling me to hang in, and “it gets better”.... that's what kept me going.


I will be forever grateful to those selfless people, posting me.  I knew they had been there before me and so  I listened and just kept doing it day after day hanging on by my fingernails sometimes.  “There is no way out but through” and I promise it will be worth it when you get there.


I feel better today than I did in at least the last 15 years taking the drug.  For a long time (before I hit tolerance) I thought how I was feeling was just me!.  I didn't t realise that I was operating well below par due to Benzos.  How pleasantly surprised I was to find, I haven’t changed that much at all, don’t feel much different than when I was 18, certainly have more energy.


Right now Its hell for you.. I know that for sure,  but I promise it’s not forever, you will recover


Coping with Benzo Withdrawal


Magrita  :smitten:


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Dolphin do you ever stop complaining? I hate to sound like a jerk but there are people on here FAR worse off than you. People who CANNOT LEAVE THEIR BEDROOM'S people who have CRIPPLING physical pain. People who LITERALLY have panic attacks 24/7 so severe they DO NOT SLEEP and they hallucinate confusing fantasy with reality. You need to STOP COMPLAINING because you are NOT that bad. I don't care if I get banned for this. Sometimes you have to be cruel to be kind. I'm not God, I'm not perfect. I want you to just ENJOY life. Seriously you DO NOT have it that bad. Go do something you enjoy. Eat some fast food, drink some coca cola. Smoke or drink a small amount of alcohol if you use to like it. Seriously man stop being so selfish. There are people here who care about you. I CARE about you. At the end of the day though if you don't want to make that 1% commitment towards getting better you can suffer for the rest of your life and never find peace. I had days where I could not stand being alive but what helped me get better was trying to take control of the things that were in my power. Such as drinking water, eating well, exercising, cleaning my room, talking to friends even if I was having HORRIFYINGLY ANNOYING intrusive thoughts. The ones who get better ARE THE ONES WHO DO THEIR HOMEWORK.


That's totally uncalled for. You're not being "cruel to be kind". You're just being cruel. Who makes you the judge of whether someone has it "that bad"? It's not a competition over who's worse than someone else. We are just supposed to support each other, and if someone is having a bad time, even if we do think they should suck it up (and I'm not saying that in this case), does it really need to be said? Sometimes a simple "yes I understand" goes a long way towards making someone else feel better.

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Dolphin do you ever stop complaining? I hate to sound like a jerk but there are people on here FAR worse off than you. People who CANNOT LEAVE THEIR BEDROOM'S people who have CRIPPLING physical pain. People who LITERALLY have panic attacks 24/7 so severe they DO NOT SLEEP and they hallucinate confusing fantasy with reality. You need to STOP COMPLAINING because you are NOT that bad. I don't care if I get banned for this. Sometimes you have to be cruel to be kind. I'm not God, I'm not perfect. I want you to just ENJOY life. Seriously you DO NOT have it that bad. Go do something you enjoy. Eat some fast food, drink some coca cola. Smoke or drink a small amount of alcohol if you use to like it. Seriously man stop being so selfish. There are people here who care about you. I CARE about you. At the end of the day though if you don't want to make that 1% commitment towards getting better you can suffer for the rest of your life and never find peace. I had days where I could not stand being alive but what helped me get better was trying to take control of the things that were in my power. Such as drinking water, eating well, exercising, cleaning my room, talking to friends even if I was having HORRIFYINGLY ANNOYING intrusive thoughts. The ones who get better ARE THE ONES WHO DO THEIR HOMEWORK.




That's totally uncalled for. You're not being "cruel to be kind". You're just being cruel. Who makes you the judge of whether someone has it "that bad"? It's not a competition over who's worse than someone else. We are just supposed to support each other, and if someone is having a bad time, even if we do think they should suck it up (and I'm not saying that in this case), does it really need to be said? Sometimes a simple "yes I understand" goes a long way towards making someone else feel better.


You're right, the thing with me is I HATE seeing my friend's suffer. It pisses me off that other people are having such a hard time. I want desperately to help, but I have no control over it. You're right it's not a competition. It just infuriates me that these FIENDS are getting away with destroying good people's minds. I am very pissed off. I am actually probably going to take my prescribing "doctors" to court. I won't allow them to get away with this. I am going to fight my demons. Dolphin hang in there man you will heal.

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