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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

I'm so sick of this


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On every level. From the symptoms to no one understanding to getting tons of advice that would work if I wasn't in withdrawal. I feel like I'm trapped in a parallel universe. This is so cruel on every level imaginable.
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I am 49 years old.  I have been off Ativan since July 2013.  Never before have I ever experienced something so devastating, life changing,

and the most difficult and challenging long list of weird and alien symptoms that I could ever imagine.  Because I have come this far and the worst

of what I went through is behind me, I still have a lot of awful brain fog and DP and DR to cope with daily, however, I will hang on and you can too.

There are always ups and downs, accept that like even normal life has bad downs and great ups.  Your belief and faith and realization the immense power

of your own thoughts and mind is an endless resource of betterment if you use it to the fullest positive.  We will get through this, day by day until we reach

the light of renewal.  It has happened for hundreds, thousands of others, it will be for us also.  Just wait it out and find better ways to cope as your strength.

Adversity builds character in all ways in life, and THIS is no exception.  My one friend once told me that it is the most special people who are chosen to endure much

more than the average person.  You are that special person.  You can do this.  I believe in you as much as I believe in myself, because we are in this together. :angel:

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On every level. From the symptoms to no one understanding to getting tons of advice that would work if I wasn't in withdrawal. I feel like I'm trapped in a parallel universe. This is so cruel on every level imaginable.


Hi satch. I am sorry you are feeling so badly again today. Can you give me and example of advice or suggestions that would work if you were not in withdrawal. Also what mental or physical symptoms outside of depression do you still have remaining? Sorry I have not asked in awhile........

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Symptoms today are depression, tinnitus, hopelessness, rage, anxiety, fatigue, dpdr.


I am raging mad that my life is completely destroyed by this. I see no hope and just more suffering.  I've lost everything to short term stupid use of a med I should have never touched again. See no hope. What good end to this. I'm losing strength abc everything in my life is destroyed or falling apart.

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