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problems w liqiud valium?


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Switched to liquid valium two nights ago. Got sick of cutting, crushing, disolving, mixing routine every night.

Yesterday I felt pretty good at least half of the day. To day I feel awful, headache on left side, nauseous, sick Gi pain all the way down left side, some vertigo.

I am at .8mg and the only thing I have noticed about the liquid is the foul taste, which seemed to give me a stomach ache last night, but I took it with a bunch of other stuff, taurine, l-theanine, gaba, for sleep, so it is difficult to tell what is causing the sx, or it might be just a wave, but I have been holding for about 2 and half weeks trying to feel better and get some sleep before i continue down.

Has anyone had problems with liquid?

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A few questions first ...


How are you using the LV - straight or diluted?


If diluted, what kind of concentration are you using?


Are you just using it for the 1mg you are currently reducing, or are you using it for your whole dose?


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Thanks for replying. I am using prescription liquid valium from the pharmacy. The precription is for 1mg/ml and the pharmacy label says 5mg / 5ml (which is the same thing). I am at .8mg (that's the whole dose) and using a 1ml syringe to measure out the dose. I have squirted it directly into my mouth (disgusting foul taste, feels like it makes me sick) and I have put it in some soy milk to water it down, better.


Another question is, eventually I will start to reduce again, maybe this Wednesday, I have found that the 1ml syringe is very difficult to read in between 10ths of a ml. So I will titrate in 100ml liquid and measure with the 10ml syringe which is much more granular. What is the best medium to mix the liquid valium with? I had been using coconut milk with the pills because you are supposed to use something with fat and i can't tolerate cows milk. With liquid valium is it the same deal or can I just use water or juice?


Right now trying to figure out why I am feeling consistently terrible with almost no breaks, I have felt worse during other times in the taper but never bad for so long without some decent windows, very disconcerting.

many thanks

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Another question is, eventually I will start to reduce again, maybe this Wednesday, I have found that the 1ml syringe is very difficult to read in between 10ths of a ml. So I will titrate in 100ml liquid and measure with the 10ml syringe which is much more granular. What is the best medium to mix the liquid valium with? I had been using coconut milk with the pills because you are supposed to use something with fat and i can't tolerate cows milk. With liquid valium is it the same deal or can I just use water or juice?




Just use water!. The fat content is only a factor if dissolving dry tablets.  Your pharma-grade liquid V is already a true solution.  And with water there are no issues with storage/shelf-life.


I used water to dilute my 1:1 pharma-grade liquid V throughout my 2 year taper.  I typically prepared a batch to last 10-14 days.  BTW, your liquid V should be stored at room temp, and not refrigerated.


I diluted with water throughout

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Another question is, eventually I will start to reduce again, maybe this Wednesday, I have found that the 1ml syringe is very difficult to read in between 10ths of a ml. So I will titrate in 100ml liquid and measure with the 10ml syringe which is much more granular. What is the best medium to mix the liquid valium with? I had been using coconut milk with the pills because you are supposed to use something with fat and i can't tolerate cows milk. With liquid valium is it the same deal or can I just use water or juice?



That's why I like the 1:100 ratio. There is a much smaller chance of inaccuracies when you use a 10ml syringe, than when you use a 1ml syringe. You can use any kind of liquid with LV. Once you dilute it with the water though you will find the taste won't be as bad. It still has a slightly bitter taste, but it's okay, and you get used to it. I got to the point where I didn't mind the taste at all. You could use juice though if you wanted to.

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Thank you!

That helps. Still unable to sleep most nights and getting almost no windows after three weeks or more of holding at .8. don't know what to do. Guess I'll just push on at  some point soon.

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I get valium compounded at pharmacy in 1mg at a time and refrigerate it. The pharmacy has a copy of The Ashton Manual they downloaded so that they understood what I was doing. They make the 1 mg into a cherry flavoured suspension. Each day I measure .1mg into 1/2 glass of milk before taking it. I guess I am used to the taste as I have no difficulty drinking it.
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