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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

What are the best things to eat every day to battle insomnia from withdrawal?


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I can think of a few to stay away from... sugar, chocolate, caffeine, MSG...

Some people try a Paleo diet and feel like it helps.  It helps me to go to bed on a fairly empty stomach...too full or too hungry and it's harder to sleep.



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It is good to eat a banana late afternoon or early evening because of the trytophan. Like Challis said stay away from caffiene period. I have noticed if I try to drink it even in the morning that it messes with my sleep. Good luck and I hope we all get good rest tonight  :)
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I used to eat a tomato or a few cherries before bed during my pre-benzo days those 2 foods are a natural source of melatonin i think it would be much safer eating those instead of taking a melatonin pill which can become addicting
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Try to eat as healthy as possible. Whole foods ... whatever fruits and veggies are in the area you live. This will give you plenty of vitamins/minerals and fiber to keep you regular! Try to stay away from animal fat (that stuff turns solid in room temperature, that's what it ends up looking like in your body), stick to healthy fats, mayonnaise, olive oil, butter is even fine.


If you have trouble sleeping, a snack of complex carbohydrates can give you a sedating effect because it will release serotonin and get you back to sleep. Heck, even white bread or banana should knock you out quickly.


Warm milk is more of a wives tale. Kind of like turkey at thanksgiving. These won't induce sleep, although they do have L-Trytophan, the amount of time it takes for L-Tryptophan to get to your gut and metabolize into serotonin and effectively get to your brain is a lot longer than an hour!


If a quick carb snack doesn't do it. The glutamate system in your body is probably on high alert and sleep just may not be an option.

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