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maybe it's getting better?


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For the past week, I've averaged 2-3 hours of sleep a night.  I was feeling like a real zombie and almost starting to feel like I had the flu.  It was so bad that I had to call in to work yesterday.  Last night, I laid down around 8 PM and know that I probably laid there for a couple of hours, but when I woke up this morning I figured it would be around 2 in the morning...but it was 6 AM!  I felt a little better, my eyes weren't burning, and my headache was gone.  I went in to work today and my patients didn't mention my glassy eyes (which happened the other day and I was so embarrassed).  Maybe it was a fluke or maybe I'm on the downward slope! :D
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That's very encouraging!  :thumbsup:


The week that I c/t'd I got almost no sleep (0-3 hours per night broken).  Either the 7th or 8th night, I slept something like six hours.  It felt so good.  But then the lousy sleep started up again.  But every now and then, I'd score 2-3 extra hours of sleep, and it would give me hope.  It did slowly improve.


I hope that this is a positive trend for you, but if sleep doesn't come tonight or some other night, just try to relax about the whole sleep thing.  It will come.

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