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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

Why is the pace so agonizingly slow?


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Sleep is still horrible--meaning practically nonexistent. I have started taking magnesium before bed, and maybe that is getting me an hour or two...it's hard to tell.


If I take Benadryl once every three or four days I can get about 5 hours sleep, that's an improvement from when it used to get me only three hours.


I never thought that when I put that first pill in my mouth last October that the withdrawal this time would be so life altering.


Why does the sleep take so long to come back? Talked to someone who is four years off and still doesn't sleep through the night.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Sleep is still horrible--meaning practically nonexistent. I have started taking magnesium before bed, and maybe that is getting me an hour or two...it's hard to tell.


If I take Benadryl once every three or four days I can get about 5 hours sleep, that's an improvement from when it used to get me only three hours.


I never thought that when I put that first pill in my mouth last October that the withdrawal this time would be so life altering.


Why does the sleep take so long to come back? Talked to someone who is four years off and still doesn't sleep through the night.


Actually, our brain never sleep.  It runs 24/7, like our heart, kidney, lungs and other organs.  When we sleep, our brain is still working in "SLEEP MODE".  I am not a doctor, not even a quack doctor.  But I love reading medical books. 


Physical health is crucial as a first step to solve sleeping problems. 


I also had sleeping problems, the Psychiatrist I was visiting before gave me Amitriptyline.  It is not strong.  It does not make me feel sleepy, but it helped me, I no longer complain about getting sleep.


Klonopin is said to affect REM sleep.  And it is true.  Klonopin can put me to sleep, but the quality of sleep is far from desirable.  Maybe it is the same with other benzo drugs.


I also tried Vitamin E, 400 mg.  It gives me deep sleep.  My dreams are vivid, in full colors (my coworkers consumed my Vitamin E supply, they were curious about the dreams).


(Vitamin E in high dosage is not recommended if there are heart and BP issues.)


Some people suggest melatonin, I have not tried it, because Amitriptyline and Vitamin E is working fine with me.


Melatonin is plenty in chicken meat.  Attack the natural source.


There are many treatment for insomnia and sleeping problems.  Some does not involve drugs or sleeping pills.


But I think the first step is to take a second look on physical health.


Benadryl is for cough I think?  So it could give your some little undesirable side effects in exchange for the sleep that you need.


In the past, I have experienced being awake deep into the night or the whole night, with my brain fully awake and thinking vigorously.  The following night, I feel sleepy very early and slept easily.


I have also experience being awake for 4 days (not a minute of sleep), this was due to major depression combined with panic disorder.  This is a case where I need a visit to a doctor.  The first episode, I was given mirtazapine.  The second episode, after 5 years, I told the doctor I don't like mirtazapine and gave me Klonopin.  Klonopin helped but also caused me problems.


It is too long now, and I might be going nowhere.  Try to review your history. 













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