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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

Checking in at week 12!


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Hey Guys,


I just wanted to put into words how I have been doing for the past three months.  I would say that I feel 70% most days at this point.  I have had three WAVES come rolling in since I did all of this.  Some of those days I drop to about 30% and it is frustrating.  It seems like the head pressure, ringing in my ears, and anxiety are getting better with each wave.  They do last less days and are less and less intense.  I feel like my head has been ringing for three months though! So annoying.  The anxiety is better and I have forced myself to travel to Atlanta and Miami and live a normal life despite all of this.  Workout is helping a lot as well.  I have a lot of random aches and pains and feel like an old man lately, but I know it will get better.  Thanks for all the advice.  I have been drinking occasionally and it does help to get out and be social with people instead of thinking about W/D all the time.  This certainly isn't easy, but I can to it. 

Thanks everyone!!!

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Encouraging to read about your improvement! Glad you are getting out and continuing to live life.  Me as well. It is tough at times when you are constantly annoyed by symptoms but is good distraction.  I think pushing forward is key!
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