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To imagine a life even worth fighting for. I've lost everything and struggle to see a new life worth living. Scared more loss is on the horizon and feel helpless to change anything. Help me see some hope and light.
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A life worth living is out there satch, to do whatever you want with a whole lot more appreciation for it. But first our brain has to get straight and in the meantime it's hard to envision things ever being good again. Once in awhile I get a little peek and it's pretty exciting, but then things take a few steps back and I forget what it's like to feel any hope. We'll get there.  :thumbsup:
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Thanks. How have you survived this long. I fear I'm losing strength and having two more difficult tapers really leaves me hopeless.
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Thanks. How have you survived this long. I fear I'm losing strength and having two more difficult tapers really leaves me hopeless.


I don't really know how I made it this far. Around 12-14 months I could "feel" things again sometimes. It was nice to feel happy for a few minutes. Not all out happiness like before, but still enough to remember the feeling. It comes and goes, and when that happens it kind of keeps you moving forward.


Still waiting for one of those 100% windows but let me tell you, even a partial window is welcome and reminds you that life is not all bad. But those too are infrequent. I've always got at least mild DR going on and one or two other symptoms taking turns slapping me across the face to get my attention even at the best of times. Days like today all the symptoms jump back on for a "pig-pile". Still better than it was those first 6 or 9 months though....

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