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New symptom question


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I haven't had to post in awhile my symptoms at four months off have been tolerable lately . A few days now I'm having head sensations like pressure and buzzing , still tolerable but last night I had the sensation of being hot and feeling cold and sweating just on one side of my body , literally just half from my brain to my foot on my right side


Never experienced anything like it , it kind of felt like I had icy hot on my skin and on my brain ..wasn't painfu just very strange it lasted for approximately 10 mins .


Has anyone had this . Hope I'm describing it ok but you know these things are hard to explain sometimes.


Thank you in advance and happy healing !

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I get the icyhot or menthol feeling too, and was really bad at the one month mark.  I've had it in my chest mostly, but did get it on my back while trying to sleep.  I found when I took my B vitamin it was worse, but that may not be the case for everyone.  I am not experiencing it much lately.  Hope yours gets better soon.  A Tylenol or paracetamol helped me...



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Yup felt like menthol, or sulphuric acid was flowing through my veins. It went away in time just like everything else. Not saying I liked it but I knew I had to accept it.
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