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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

Benzo learning experiences


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A lot of people talk about withdrawl as a learning experience.


I don't understand. What can I learn while living in this hell each day?


Except that I desire something diifernt than this and I want to find joy and happiness. Which does not even seem possible right now.

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I think your symptoms are a little bit too crazy to think about what you can learn from this Dolphins, but you will surely learn some lessons. I know it sounds mad, but although benzo withdrawal is a nightmare and it has ruined parts of my life, I am sort of thankful for it, although my life was really fun before I started on benzos, it was an alcohol/drug fueled party lifestyle that was doing me no good, my career stalled for 5 years because all I wanted to do was get through the week and party. When I got started on benzos my life only got worse, I just didn't want to do anything, didn't want to work, couldn't be bothered with my girlfriend etc. but benzo withdrawal has made me see how destructive my lifestyle was and it is really turning my life around. I've now started to do a lot of work for some advanced qualifications at work, I started to play football again where I made lots of new friends, I started to go to a gym 8 months ago and I'm now really fit plus I don't have to deal with hangovers/comedowns throughout the week now :)


PS this outlook may change when I'm in the middle of my next wave ;)

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Yeah I think most of the lessons are realized in hindsight.  I'm sure the most significant lesson is that we have learned we are able to overcome obstacles in life and that we are resilient and tenacious.  All it takes is time, perseverance and faith. 
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A lot of members are picking up coping techniques such as mindfulness, yoga, and the ability to distract during the most painful of times. These are skills that you carry with you for the rest of your life. Because the withdrawal process is so lengthy, these techniques become habit.


I think this is what is meant by the "benzo learning experience."



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Dolphins--you are in survival mode.  It's true that some of us further down the road are coming to feel we've learned something from this, but you absolutely should not beat yourself up for not feeling this way now.  Recovery is very hard work and you have enough on your plate today just getting through. ;)
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