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Anyone have issues with painful irritated gums? I wonder if it's wd or something really wrong with my teeth! I have good hygiene so not sure why there would all of a sudden be an issue. But they are red and painful in areas  :crazy:


Anyone have this...or experience this?



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Do you go in to the dentist or wait it out? Does it get better on it's own? Or is this something I need to have checked? If it just goes away like everything else I ll wait.



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Have bleeding gums on and off.

I have my teeth cleaned every 3-4 months to make sure nothing is wrong.

Deeper pockets since benzo Wd.

So I keep an eye out and try to be proactive and prevent any trouble.

But my gums are really sensitive , often red and sometimes bleeding.


I also grind my teeth a lot. They hurt pretty bad sometimes.


You might want to do a check up at a periodontist if you're worried. But I read this often here.

Teeth trouble, gum problems.

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Didn't run to dentist! Get my teeth cleaned twice yearly and brush 3x/daily. It's gotten to the point where everything negative with my body is benzo related as far as I'm concerned  ::) Otherwise, I'd be running weekly to numerous specialist appointments for all these whacked out delightful symptoms sprouting up weekly  :crazy:
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Didn't run to dentist! Get my teeth cleaned twice yearly and brush 3x/daily. It's gotten to the point where everything negative with my body is benzo related as far as I'm concerned  ::) Otherwise, I'd be running weekly to numerous specialist appointments for all these whacked out delightful symptoms sprouting up weekly  :crazy:


Exactly! Haven't seen a doc of any kind since I began tapering. Everything for me is benzo related  :sick: I am swishing with salt water now to see if that helps. Good lord what else could happen!! Jeesh!!



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I recently had a root canal job done. I never had one in the past. Now, after reading this post, I have to wonder whether it's w/d related or not. I sure don't want a 2nd one.
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Salt water...good idea, never though to try that but it's now in my arsenal bag.  :) And yes Grinch, my oral problems have improved although I did show my dentist and he said NOT TO WORRY......story of my life, why have I never thought of that  :(
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