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Does your memory feel crappy?


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Does the anxiety and stress and depression effect your memory.


for example, I was trying to remember the name of a little RC helicopter I bought last year.


The harder I tried to remember, the more I freaked myself out.


Am I loosing it?

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I used to have great memory, now it's been pretty crappy since I hit tolerance and it's still crappy while in withdrawal.

I forget names, appointments, why I went into another room and past events are not always very clear in my mind... if I remember them at all. It seems to be a pretty common symptom judging from what I read around.


Now, my mom (also withdrawing from benzos, after I told her how dangerous they were) yesterday managed to forget completely an argument we had the day before. She had no recollection whatsoever of the event and that scared me quite a bit, because that felt more important compared to, let's say, forgetting the name of a famous actor. Has this happened to anybody?

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Yes, I am loosing my mind, I not only forget things, but also I am starting to forget words, unable to follow a 2 min conversation. As you Jerry, right now I am convinced that my memory is going to get worse day by day.  :-[
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Hello everybody,


I've been withdrawing from Ativan for 7 months now, and YES, absolutely, my memory has been extremely affected! My girlfriend and I will have an argument (usually as a result from my irritability and increased argumentativeness due to withdrawal) and I can't remember what we argued about even two days later. The argument will seem very important in the moment, and if I try to recall it, poof! No memory of it.I remember that we argued, but can't recall details. I've had to become very vigilant about my behavior and how benzo withdrawal affects my interactions with my girlfriend. Please don't feel like you're losing your mind! Memory loss is extremely common while using or withdrawing from benzos.

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Ha! Well, yes my memory does feel crappy! And you know what, the way this year has gone I'm not gonna complain. It's not permanent, that's what I believe. I'm older so if I forget stuff, I'm gonna blame it on age. The truly forgettable things are being forgotten. Seriously, I know my initial withdrawal sucked, but I can hardly remember from one day to the next what it was like without being asked. That's the upside of crappy memory.


The downside is, where the F are my car keys? If I eat the same thing for breakfast every day, why do I have to think about what to eat, every day? Talking to me is like playing Mad Libs (fill in the blank where I'm missing a word.) What day of the week is it—I'm never really sure. I was on a cruise years ago where they had day-of-the week floor mats in the elevator. I need one of those in my bathroom.


The positive events stand out like shiny dimes in sand. That's the thing with positive emotions, they do help lay down new neural pathways. I can list on one hand the good memorable events: having our hedge trimmed by a friend, planting seeds willy nilly in the garden and getting a bumper crop without trying, finding new friendship with a home helper, and finding BB. Yup, that's it. Crappy memory and all.



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Ha! Well, yes my memory does feel crappy! And you know what, the way this year has gone I'm not gonna complain. It's not permanent, that's what I believe. I'm older so if I forget stuff, I'm gonna blame it on age. The truly forgettable things are being forgotten. Seriously, I know my initial withdrawal sucked, but I can hardly remember from one day to the next what it was like without being asked. That's the upside of crappy memory.


The downside is, where the F are my car keys? If I eat the same thing for breakfast every day, why do I have to think about what to eat, every day? Talking to me is like playing Mad Libs (fill in the blank where I'm missing a word.) What day of the week is it—I'm never really sure. I was on a cruise years ago where they had day-of-the week floor mats in the elevator. I need one of those in my bathroom.


The positive events stand out like shiny dimes in sand. That's the thing with positive emotions, they do help lay down new neural pathways. I can list on one hand the good memorable events: having our hedge trimmed by a friend, planting seeds willy nilly in the garden and getting a bumper crop without trying, finding new friendship with a home helper, and finding BB. Yup, that's it. Crappy memory and all.


Omg!! Yes!! Mad Libs!! Exactly like that! So frustrating!

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Yes, my memory is definitely effected, but since I realize it's part of my taper I just forget about it.  Actually, I have no choice but to forget about it...
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