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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.



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I have a sinus infection and it has been with me now for about 3 weeks.  I finally made an appointment with my doctor and I know he will prescribe an antibiotic.  Would you please let me know what I should take - as I know there are certain antibiotics that are NOT good for a person in my situation - withdrawal?  Thank you. 

I am still not doing very well with my severe symptoms and I do not want to take any more antidepressants - but is there a choice - consider one and hope it will help with my depressed state of mind - or slog through another day with the intense sense of doom, darkness and sensation of nothingness?  I question my sanity every minute I am awake and wonder constantly if I have a future other than where I am right now.  Please help me cope with any assurance I can get out of this.

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Hi dolphins1:


I've read here that fluoroquinolone antibiotics sohuld not be taken by people on or recovering from benzodiazepenes. I've never verified this, but it has consistently been presented and not challenged.

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I had a problem with Amoxicillin causing anxiety during w/d.  It's listed as a side effect.  But, others on this forum have done ok with it.  Maybe just try a small amount of an antibiotic first to see how you react?  I've split open capsules and taken half to try it. 
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Please avoid quinolone antibiotics, apparently it's a gaba receptor antagonist. I had a bad reaction to it in early withdrawal. There might be other types of antibiotics to treat an infection.
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