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symptom schedule?


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Why is it that my symptoms seem to peak at the same time every day?


Right around lunch time, usually at work.  Yesterday, I felt the neck pressure, bloating/burping and felt generally sick right over lunch (noon).  Eating only made things worse.  I ended up taking a Tums before and after lunch...I felt better by 1 p.m.


Now today, I felt the worst around 11 a.m.  Then by lunchtime, I was feeling better.  I ate the same thing I did yesterday, yet did not take any Tums before or after and felt fine.


My afternoons are usually so-so.  As I get into the evening hours, I start to feel better and my symptoms tend to subside.


Thoughts on this?  Is this a benzo thing, an anxiety thing, a cortisol surge thing, etc...? 


I just find it odd to work on such a set schedule.  Now, I still get things at other times of the day, but this is generally when I get hit with whatever symptoms I currently am dealing with...




moto joe

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Mine seem to hit worst around 3p and go through 8pm. I kept wondering the same. It might be cortisol or have something to do with your dosing time while still taking the meds.  For me, it may be anticipation of the stressful routine of kids coming home, homework, dinner, etc.  see if the same holds true on the weekends. Maybe for you, it is low blood sugar, hunger?
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For a long time my symptoms hit at the same hour every day (11am , then 12, then 2pm etc.) at work. And yes, things also get better for me in the evening. Nowadays, things aren't as predictable as they were in the past.
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Hi ,


For me it use to be when I first opened my eyes  and

For the next couple hours in the morning. I believe cortisol surges are getting better now I m drinking tart cherry and added mag citrate. And Vit C.

However the 4 o'clock waves just keep on like clockwork and include feeling like I m being strangled. This has baffled me as I know its not low blood sugar etc. the only conclusion I come to is that because I was taking Ativan for sleep and unknowingly withdrawing everyday at this time (tolerance withdrawal) for almost 3 years It now appears that this pattern has become imbedded in my brain. Does this sound weird?  ( Uhmm likely question, what isn t these days )anyone?

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