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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

I want to get off Klonopian but am afraid of all the side effects


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My reason for joining is I would like to stop taking medication! At this moment it's been two days since I have had my Klonopian I don't want to be without ... it's because my doctor makes me practically beg for my refill. I call and leave several messages and I call the Pharmacy and it happens each month. I've had this particular doctor for about two years.

I have been taking Klonopian  for around 12 years!

My present Dosage is 1 mg every 12 hour.

But I take 2 mg before bed!

I haven't started tapering....

I am a 51-year-old female had panic attacks first one was in 11th grade.i have depression as well which I take Celexa.

I have no support system:(

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Hi, Thoughtsofpeace.


Welcome to benzobuddies. Glad you found us because we're your new support system. :)


Do you have any Klonopin? I'm concerned because you've been off it for two days and that can be very dangerous, especially after 12 years. I hope you get your refill soon, and I'm glad you're ready to start tapering.


A good resource about benzodiazepines is the Ashton Manual. Here is a link to the manual: Professor Ashtons Manual  It’s great for learning about these meds and for taper plans. Ashton recommends reducing between 5 - 10% every 10/14 days.


You'll find a great community of people here who will support and encourage you. Feel free to check out the forum and to post to any of the dedicated boards.


In addition to the Ashton Manual, here are some other resources:


For tapering advice, post here: General Taper Plans


For support with any symptoms you may have, post here: Withdrawal Support


Please add a signature (history of medication/doses etc). It will help members give you relevant advice. This link will show you how to Create a signature


Please let us know if you have any questions.


~ Mind

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I haven't had My Klonopian in 2 days and my Doctors office has 12 Dr's  very busy ' they put you to a refill line and you leave message! I've had the Pharmacist call twice ! Need to switch Dr's! He is a bit away and does this every month! Only refills a month at a time! I'm beginning to feel weird ! I'm cold and my skin hurts like a fever! I'm short of breath and am wide awake! Like I've had to much coffee! I'm cranky too! I'm sad as we'll keep crying! I'm mad at the Dr Asshole!  I bought some unisom sleep aid gel tablets. Just took two ! Me Refrigerator is humming and I want to go knock it over! WT Heck!

I better get my refill tomorrow I'm afraid of what's to come!

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Hi Thoughtsofpeace,


No freakin fair you can't get your refill. Yes, you need a more reliable doc. Is the ER an option for getting meds?



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I haven't had My Klonopian in 2 days and my Doctors office has 12 Dr's  very busy ' they put you to a refill line and you leave message! I've had the Pharmacist call twice ! Need to switch Dr's! He is a bit away and does this every month! Only refills a month at a time! I'm beginning to feel weird ! I'm cold and my skin hurts like a fever! I'm short of breath and am wide awake! Like I've had to much coffee! I'm cranky too! I'm sad as we'll keep crying! I'm mad at the Dr Asshole!  I bought some unisom sleep aid gel tablets. Just took two ! Me Refrigerator is humming and I want to go knock it over! WT Heck!

I better get my refill tomorrow I'm afraid of what's to come!


Thoughtsofpeace, do you have someone with you? I'm concerned that you're going cold turkey off of long-term use. Please go to the ER if you can't get your prescription filled. The ER can give you enough so that you don't have seizures. I can't tell if you're on 2 or 3 mg a day, but that's a high enough dose to be a concern.



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Welcome thoughtsofpeace, as everyone else has said you need to have your medicine definetly don't want to go into w/d,,even if you do have to hoot the er..these doctors play God with our health and it's not fair, except mne he has no problem giving me a prescription of 90 with a refill, he's helpful,I hope you can get your prescription soon,,good luck
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OMG went to bed last night at 830 woke up at 1030pm flipped out! Life wasn't "real" feeling ! I couldn't talk! My speech was slurred! I was extremely afraid of everything ! Called my daughter she reluctantly took me to ER! I had catscan and blood wok ! No insurance!!! I kept trying to tell them I has been out of K!! They gave me my 2 MG and I was fine in two hours! Had to stay a bit longer because my BP was to low! I felt like an ass! Another crazy patient ! I was embarrassed of the whole situation! Doc gave enough for 4 days! Called the Dr office today to find out the refill line wasn't working! Mg hope they call in my full script! I need to switch Dr's he's a jerk anyway!!!
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OMG went to bed last night at 830 woke up at 1030pm flipped out! Life wasn't "real" feeling ! I couldn't talk! My speech was slurred! I was extremely afraid of everything ! Called my daughter she reluctantly took me to ER! I had catscan and blood wok ! No insurance!!! I kept trying to tell them I has been out of K!! They gave me my 2 MG and I was fine in two hours! Had to stay a bit longer because my BP was to low! I felt like an ass! Another crazy patient ! I was embarrassed of the whole situation! Doc gave enough for 4 days! Called the Dr office today to find out the refill line wasn't working! Mg hope they call in my full script! I need to switch Dr's he's a jerk anyway!!!


Sorry you had to go through that, Thoughts, but I'm really glad you went to the ER. Hope you can get some rest.  :)

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That's just horrible! I feel for you. I hope you get you script SOON. Are you saying the ER doc only gave you enough for 4 days, or your absentee doc gave you only enough for 4 days and you ran out?


You wouldn't be the first or last Benzo-crazed person in ER. I once left without signing discharge papers, yelling, "I need to take my Xanax NOW!"


BTW, there is Prescription discount app that can in some cases, substantially reduce costs of needed RXs. It's called GoodRx.com (good meaning, good that it's less expensive, not good drugs as the name would imply.) I don't have prescription coverage so I use this.


I do hope your suffering lessens.


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