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Will I ever be able to relax again?


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Lame, I know, but I simply can't relax and worry that I'll never be able to relax again.


Lame you know :smitten: But worrying about never being able to relax makes relaxing almost impossible. It's like eating bad Chinese food. It shall pass.

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Which came first, the chicken or the egg.    Is the problem I cannot relax or worry that I can't?

Make no mistake about it, my sx are NOT caused by what I'm thinking about.  They are real physical sx, that I have no control over.  I truly believe that.


Appreciate the sarcasm tho :smitten:


Blaming my thought patterns...sheesh ;)

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I'm not sure about my side effects being caused by WD because I feel anxious/depressed regardless of what I am doing with my taper.  Also, have lots going on which makes my anxiety worse.  Spend most of my days in bed under a blanket on my iPad feeling overwhelmed with life.  What life?  I have none because of this darn anxiety.  I sure hope some of it is the WD...
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I'm not sure about my side effects being caused by WD because I feel anxious/depressed regardless of what I am doing with my taper.  Also, have lots going on which makes my anxiety worse.  Spend most of my days in bed under a blanket on my iPad feeling overwhelmed with life.  What life?  I have none because of this darn anxiety.  I sure hope some of it is the WD...


Been in the exact same place!  It will pass, it will...it doesn't seem like it will ever go away but it does and one day you realize you're not anxious anymore.

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I'm the same way.  My anxiety flows nonstop.  In the bed under the covers with my iPad is the only place I feel semi-calm.


My anxiety never been ends-never was like this before benzos. 



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