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Neck vibrating?


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Does anyone feel like their neck is vibrating or twitching or something? My right face feels weird too like i'm not 'living' there, like i can see fine out of my right eye but it feels like i don't, it's really weird? Someone that can relate? Please help :(
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Yeah, the neck vibration thing is really weird.  I thought that I was coming down with Parkinson's or something.  The dissociation that you're feeling with your face and eye also sound very withdrawal-like.  I had some weird eye pulses - especially when I was in acute withdrawal.  The neck vibration thing only lasted a few weeks for me (the tremor in my hands lasted longer, but eventually completely resolved).


I assume you're in the midst of some sort of withdrawal/taper???  Maybe you wrote this down in an earlier post.  If so, I apologize for not being more aware of your status.  You might want to write something in your signature about your situation (it really helps those of us who try to respond).

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Yes.  It used to freak me out but now I just ignore it as I know it will go away only to be replaced by another weird symptom.  NOTE: After going through every symptom imaginable, I found they are fewer & farther in between now that I'm down to the nitty-gritty.
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