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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

Windows, Waves, and Baseline.


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Do you think withdrawal is a but more complex than just windows and waves? I feel like people often get confused with what windows are...until they have a real one.


Personally I think that there are three stages in withdrawal.


A window: A moment of clarity and few, if any, side effects.


A wave: An intense emergence of symptoms.


A baseline: Symptoms lessoned. Where you are when your symptoms are not provoked or intensified. Gradually improves over time.


Does anyone else feel this way?

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For me, there are varying degrees of windows and waves. All of my windows have been partial windows because the dp/dr and cognitive problems have never completely left.


And the waves also vary in severity. Some mornings, my symptoms are very, very acute and in the evening, the head pressure lessens and I feel a bit less damaged.


I've noted baseline improvements along the way such as baseline memory improvements.


It's a process.  ;)

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My waves seem to coincide with cortisol...except for last week when it was pure hell for a whole week. Omg. Thankfully I've come out of that a little bit. But I don't feel any better baseline-wise, which was unfortunate. Do you think I could still be in a wave even though I've been feeling better?
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My waves seem to coincide with cortisol...except for last week when it was pure hell for a whole week. Omg. Thankfully I've come out of that a little bit. But I don't feel any better baseline-wise, which was unfortunate. Do you think I could still be in a wave even though I've been feeling better?


Yes, I think you're right about the cortisol. I think that's why my mornings are so rough.


I'm glad you're feeling better. Well, you could still be in a wave, but it's a gentler wave.


It's really hard to gauge baseline improvements. I didn't really recognize any improvements at all until 3 months out. And now at 5.5 months out, I'm looking back and thinking, man I really felt BAD at 3 months out. So even though I still feel like crap, I recognize that I've made a few baseline improvements.


I'm tracking sleep in my Progress Log, so that helps me recognize some patterns of improvement. My sleep is not great, but it's a LOT better.


You sound much better today, Orion.  :)

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A little!!! I've just had some SCARY symptoms lately omg. Saturday night my chest was so tight it felt like my ribs were cracking. And then my stomach went numb and I could barely breathe...omg. Then u had the day feeling like I would become a vegetable or go psychotic....jeez.  Before last week I only feared air hunger. Which is silly because I've had it all along. Lol. So I dunno. Weird.
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