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Air hunger/ shortness of breath....anyone?


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Hi guys, I am 7 months off and doing great overall but this week I have really been struggling with air hunger. Basically, it just feels like I can't get a good deep breath. I had lots of breathing challenges in acute but I thought they were behind me... Frustrated  >:(. I have also had a couple of instances of spaciness/minor derealization so maybe I am in kind of a mild wave? Does anyone else get periodic bouts of this? Will it just keep coming back less and less intense until it's gone forever?
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That's exactly how my journey has been. And, I went through this again around month seven as well.  It lasted for a few short days then this sx left and hasn't returned.  Try some breathing techniques if your able.  If it's really bothersome I would get into the tub completely emerge my entire body into water leaving only the tip of my nose free you can actually hear your breath when your ears are emerged it's very relaxing.  Feel your stomachs expand during your breath....  Best of Luck, MJ
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It goes away and you become more and more like your old self, but its a long process and the waves were unrelenting. Also, i find when a wave comes your mind starts going off more and it was hard to connect to yourself. Even as i came around the going back and forth is weird after a while, but i felt coming to be more and more as myself and stress is easier to handle, being in the moment will come again. :thumbsup:
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