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cleansing self....& alcohol tempts me? any advice on what to do.


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It's been posted before, on here. But, has anyone ever went through their w/d & slipped & drank alcohol .?

Even if it's one glass a wine, or the whole bottle....maybe even a cocktail or two...or a beer.

If so, what did you do to get over it , mentally & physically...


See, I would've usually took Tylenol & drank water, & went on with things. My current hangover is different.

I have waves of where my symptoms give me complete crap x 2....& it sucks.

I slipped up & drank wine with friends. I have to quit alcohol completely , at this point. I want to cleanse my self.

I'm like antsy, anxious...typical w/d symptoms , but add on alcohol & it sucks.

I want to guarantee that I won't do that to myself, ever..not going to be stupid. I gotta meditate & stay away from temptation

I am seeking advice, but also, it's an open discussion....anyone have experiences where they thought things were cool during their taper/ (w/d) or even afterwards & had a drink or two...what did you all do to get back on track?? ((that's if the alcohol became an issue for you)).....

Things are cooool now, but waves of s/x's were kicking my ass earlier.  :laugh::tickedoff:

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Many of us are so afraid of revving up the symptoms we're trying to deal with, that we aren't too tempted to drink.  I've never been much of a drinker, so giving it up doesn't bother me much. 


I missed coffee, though.  The caffeine was too stimulating for awhile.

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Many of us are so afraid of revving up the symptoms we're trying to deal with, that we aren't too tempted to drink.  I've never been much of a drinker, so giving it up doesn't bother me much. 


I missed coffee, though.  The caffeine was too stimulating for awhile.


I was afraid , myself. But, when I assumed things were going well during my taper , I got tempted & made a stupid choice. For whatever reason, caffeine was easier for me to give up. I have to have that same willpower & leave alcohol alone. :-[

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I've never been that interested in alcohol, so I could take it or leave it. However, during my taper I would regularly have a glass of white wine with dinner and it never seemed to affect me, but I would never have more than one glass. I have given it up over the last few months, but that's only because I want to lose some weight.


If you feel you do have problems with alcohol, and that it is affecting your taper, then the sensible thing is to avoid it totally, and definitely never drink to the point where you will have a hangover. IMO that just doesn't make any sense at all. I'd rather be able to have fun, and also be in control of myself at the same time. There is nothing more unattractive or obnoxious than someone (male or female) who has drunk to excess.


The last time I got drunk and had a hangover I was a stupid 18 year old (that's 37 years ago), but I was clever enough to realise that it's a stupid and pointless thing to do because it just makes you feel like s**t, and there's no fun in that at all.

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Try thinking about it this way: alcohol is like benzo in a glass. Not saying that's 100 % true, but there are similarities. Maybe that will help curb your desire to drink. And if it's a challenge, you can get support for that too.


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