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How does caffeine make u feel?


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Caffeine for me is a monetary escape (gives me a window, especially 5hr energy) from benzo WD but ends up screwing me over for the next 3 days. An hour window for me isn't worth three straight days of a wave from hell.
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I have gut prob from caffeine that was there before benzos so I have been off caffeine for years...but really would like to have a glass of wine during the holidays...haven't tried yet...scared bc I am so close to being done and still dealing with terrible syx. Don't want to do anything to screw with that!



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I drink 1 or 2 cups of black tea almost every day, and I don't notice anything bad from it, but I've been drinking morning tea for years.  I guess I would say, I haven't noticed anything different.  I also eat really dark, good chocolate now and then (iow, nothing cheap), which has caffeine in it.  Doesn't affect me.


Grinch, I've a beer (just 1) 3 different times during my taper, and honestly, I haven't had a single bad effect from it.  If you want to try a glass of wine, just don't overdo it.  Just have A glass, not 3 or 4.  Good luck.  :smitten:




~K  :smitten:

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