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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

Just starting month 7, in bad shape


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So I made it through neck surgery, it went well, and my serious doubts were alleviated when I spoke to my surgeon after, he found spinal cord impingement that didn't show up on the scan, the only way to dress myelopathy is to surgically decompress.


Medications have been my demon. My pain doc poo pooed my objections to lyrica before the surgery, would not up my oxy to deal with suicide back pain, so I started the lyrica. Felt great for two weeks, then went nuts, huge anxiety, insomnia, suicidal ideation, wound up in the er where the doc put me on clonidine, this was five days before surgery. Had no choice but to take it, I was batshit crazy. It got me through surgery, but tolerance hit quick, also made me crazy. At about the same time had to take flexiril, which ramped up my heart rate, in opposition to the clonidine, the two did not mix well. Ct the clonidine after 3 weeks, but the flexiril left me with a fast heart rate and unreal anxiety. So my wife brings home nighty night tea, which works like magic because of the passionflower and chamomile. I felt so good I should have known better. Started using the extract too and, went nuts the day after thanksgiving, somehow, the magic time frame for gabaergic drugs is two weeks and then hell breaks loose.. Quit today, it feels like jumping off valium again. I had no idea  herbsl stuff could do that, thought it was harmless.No more shortcuts if I live throu this. my wife has about had it. I am pretty much at the end of my rope, almost ended up aththe psych ward, except that I now know that benzos would just turn on me quickly. Hoping I stabilize soon. Shit, I'm an idiot.

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Jack, I can't even begin to imagine the pain you are going through. You are not an "idiot". You are just going though a lot of stuff....a whole lot of stuff.  It must be awful. I am sure that the surgery and stress has probably ramped up your symptoms. You must be an incredibly strong person. I hope you stabilize soon too jack.
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Jack, I can't even begin to imagine the pain you are going through. You are not an "idiot". You are just going though a lot of stuff....a whole lot of stuff.  It must be awful. I am sure that the surgery and stress has probably ramped up your symptoms. You must be an incredibly strong person. I hope you stabilize soon too jack.


Thank you so much, and I am so glad you are healed after all you've gone through.

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  Could you explain the relation between herbals and the benzos, and which herbals? I am a little confused.




Herbals are just that...herbs. Some of them interact with the same receptors as benzos, like kava kava, passionflower and chamomile. Many can tolerate them, not me apparently.

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Jack I had the same thing happen to me with peppermint tea. I used it 2 or 3 weeks and it put me into tolerance withdrawal again. It was like going ct off valium but only worse this time! Been 2 weeks of torture for me! I'm so scared of anything mint I only use baking soda to brush my teeth now! My opinion is if u take something and it makes u feel better, never touch it again!
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Crazy but true, I've learned my lesson, finally. Forgot to mention that the chamomile/passionflower tea made me feel so much better that I thought I could handle a couple of glasses of,red wine nightly. Not so much. :-X

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Lol I guess the wine could be part of it too. The peppermint tea made me feel better when I drank it and I should have known better too. Hope u feel better soon.
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