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My muscles just don't feel right


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Please, I'm ready to give up. This extreme muscle pain , tightness and throbing pain is not bearable, it's constant and getting worse. I can hardly walk because my back feels broken, I can't move my neck bacause it's so stiff, my shoulders are so rigid and painful. I know I am a broken record but I have tried everything! I keep searching for some with similar symptoms. I feel like I'm the only one this bad! Please tell me this will go way, I have been feeling like this for a long time and its getting worse!
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I have had a lot of throat tension since I jumped 1 month ago.  I feel like someone is choking me at times.  I have had the occasional back tension, but nothing like I get in my throat/neck.


I did not have this before jumping, so that makes me feel it's the acute benzo-withdrawal.


Hope this helps at least a little...


moto joe

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You might benefit from taking a combination of magnesium citrate and malate.  This combination is known to help with muscle pain and cramping.
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harlotte. I'm been having a lot of back pain to for the last 3 months, and I'm not sure how much is from withdrawal or just my bad back, but like you said it just seems to be getting worse. its starts in the lower back and as the day goes on it moves higher. The muscles feel tight and burning. By night time its terrible. Its kind of strange because it settles down when I go to bed, feels good when I wake up then starts hurting when I'm just lying there before I even start moving. I can feel the muscles just start tensing up after I wake up. I not sure if bad muscle tension can cause that that much pain, but maybe it can. I seem to be sensitive to Advil, aspirin and Tylenol so that doesn't help. Hang in there.



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Please, I'm ready to give up. This extreme muscle pain , tightness and throbing pain is not bearable, it's constant and getting worse. I can hardly walk because my back feels broken, I can't move my neck bacause it's so stiff, my shoulders are so rigid and painful. I know I am a broken record but I have tried everything! I keep searching for some with similar symptoms. I feel like I'm the only one this bad! Please tell me this will go way, I have been feeling like this for a long time and its getting worse!


Hi, you are not alone and please know that you are not the only one who has experienced this depth of pain. I experienced everything you talk about. It's gone now. Yes it took some time. It was 24/7 for a long time then came and went in waves. I took nothing for it. Time was the healer. Benzos are muscle relaxants. W/D can cause many rebound effects from that. Please try to remind yourself that this is temporary......and yes often while recovering from these drugs we have to redefine temporary.


Hope you feel better soon, mandala

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I'm with you, harlotte - my pain isn't as extreme as yours sounds, but a constant soreness and very, very rigid and stiff muscles especially in my back and hips and sides.  It does make it hard to walk sometimes, and I can't bend over at the waist.  I'm sorry you're going through such a terrible time.  To give you some hope - my back is slowly, slowly softening.  It is very, very subtle and slow, but real.  Time is what does it, but some things I have done to try to help are - some kind of exercise that engages those stiff muscles just a little on a daily basis; Epsom salt baths; magnesium powder; and cranial sacral bodywork sessions.  I hope you experience some relief soon.
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I have stiffness and pain in back and neck, it changes in intensity throughout the day. If I rest for a while I don't feel too much pain but when I walk it becomes very hard to move. It's part of the muscular fatigue symptom I think.



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Sorry to hear your in so much pain. I wish I had the magic cure the only thing that helps me is epsom baths and believe me your not alone. Muscle tightness was the  first thing I noticed when quitting but all doctors say its anxiety....but this is intense muscle tightness and mine seems to jump around from head to toe on different days except constant mouth issues...I've had back X-rays,even a MRI,blood work,and MRI of brain....everything normal but feel like I'm dying some days...I went through chemo 5 years ago that was nothing compared to this .

Hang in...things have to get better

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