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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

Depression and benzo's


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I read the post regarding depression as Im dealing with it myself while trying to get off clonazepam.  As I mentioned in another post it only makes the symptoms worst crushing us into the ground.  I have had depression My entire life and in My case I usually get the physical symptoms although had some emotional ones also.


Working out in various ways has always done it for Me howevr now Im flat out from the long battle with insomnia. I dont have the strenght or stamina to do anything anything else. Muscles ache and crushing fatigue.  Sedatives themselves can cause these symptoms so the depression only makes mattres worse.


A few people mentioned SAMe others fish oil or 5HTP.  Has anyone had any relief using these natural products ? the problem with Benzos is many natural remedies are contraindicated with Benzo drugs and antidepressants. 


For the first time in 60 years I may have to take an AD med while tapering off clonazepam however I would rather try something else maybe natural.  Their is so much controversy about antidepressants from a to z.  From they dont work to they saved My life . I was a paramedic for 60 years and only dealt with heart medication in emergency situations however  in My personal life I always tried to shy away from drugs of any kind excluding antibiotics !  I realize some drugs can help during withdrawal  however its just one more drug We have to wean off of.  Its a catch 22 situation. 


Please let me know what worked for You during Your tapering while withdrawing from benzos . Thanks Danny


clonazepam now into 6th week . Started 0.5mg cut down to 0.25mg always once per day. About to start tapering down from current holding dose of 0.25mg.  Note ) Prior to clonazepam I was on ativan 0.5mg for 3 week but switched over by Md due to interdose withdrawal.

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I am at the same level as you.  i am at 0.25 mg Clonazepam.


I am taking Vitamin E to help me have restful sleep.


I am also taking small amount of Vitamin B 1, 6 and 12.


At this level 0.25 mg, tapering is easier now. 


Unfortunately, the pressures of life and uncertainty at my work are the ones that weighing me down.


Tapering is gets more lengthy as we reach lower dose, that is what I observed.


For sleeping, there could be a solution, search the internet relentlessly.


Vitamin E gives me deep sleep.  I am taking 400 mg because I cannot find lower dose.


But please check with your doctor to be sure what dosage is appropriate for you if you want to try it.


My brother-in-law has high BP, 180/100.  The pharmacy gave him only 5 mg per day.




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Folks look at probotics. Seriously. I am a big advocate of them and the healing properties they bring. For depression look at very specific strains such as L Plantarum 299v. If you are not histamine intolerant, look also at unmodified potato starch (resistant starch), as it will boost your good bacteria no end.


Another alternative that has shown benefit in studies is L rhamnosus. GABA in the brain has an indirect effect on controlling dopamine, annd L rhamnosus increases the density of GABA receptors so this can also tackle depression caused by benzos, in addition to relieving anxiety.


Butyric acid can aslo increase serotonin up to 8 times, although it likewise can increase histamine so if you are histamine intolerant it might be best avoided.


L plantarum and L rhamnosus are safe for histamine intolerant people.


Take care, folks, and ask any questions. If I can help in any way I will. God grant you healing.



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Im pretty familiar with suppliments however I must agree I never heard of vitamin E helping with sleep. Did You read that on the internet ?  I do know that if You take a warm glass or cup of milk and add one teaspoon of honey it will make MOST people drowsy . It all depends on Your level of insomnia.


If anyone knows how depression can mess up sleep its Me, been doing it for 60 years that is why I am so concerned about losing My now regained ability to sleep again even though it is fragmented and not close to regular refreshing sleep.  Withdrawing from a benzo can cause insomnia as We are all aware off and I dont want to go on another poison again once Im off the clonazepam.


Lots of natural sleep aids however please remember some of them cannot be mixed with a benzo, check with a pharmacist or doctor before taking anything over the counter.  For what its worth tart cherry juice is suppose to containe melatonin !

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I will share here my experience and it is up to you to draw a conclusion.

Last year I was desperate to find some help for the insomnia, anxiety and depression - my husband was on the verge of suicide from exhaustion.

I've trided so many things, some may helped more than others.


For depression I tried Omega 3 with high dosage of EPA - in my case Country Live, Omega3 Mood - 1000mgEPA/150DHA. This came from the information I found in a book written by a swiss biologist - Janelle Sinclair, Depression and Anxiety Management Techniques (is only in kindle format on amazon).

Recently, the beginning of 2014, I discovered Inositol. There are studies saying that works on both depression and anxiety. I noticed mostly the effects on anxiety, as those were stronger at the time.

Also, as a calming supplement, we are using Glycine powder.

And the last but not the least Magnesium (in more absorbable forms as citrate or glycinate).

All the above do not interact with benzos and there are extensive studies on their action.


Please do your own research. I am just sharing what I think helped my husband to manage the horrible symptoms he had during withdrawal.



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