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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

My misery is still going strong!


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Wow! Two weeks now and barely any let up. It just keeps cycling over and over. I feel like I'm stuck in a nightmare and can't wake up! This is the hardest it has been for me since I jumped, at 15 months out!
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The derealization has been the worst it's ever been and constant. Tinnitus, burning skin, shakes, chills, weakness and rapid heartbeat have all been the worst too. At 15 months out! I just can't believe this. I think it has traumatized me for life. I think I have ptsd!
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It happened to me at just over 21 months out and lasted six weeks. Now at 24 months and one week I'm  improving daily and its wonderful. Stay strong Cool as this could well be the final countdown or the storm before the calm.......  :thumbsup:
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omg cool.. me too i think i'm dying.it hit me around the first of nov and i can.t get out of bed i'm losing more weight and last night was my worst night ever. i think this is the end of me..i think i'm dying..sorry i'm no hel to you.. today starts my 12 month from 6 weeks use.. i was the healhtiest person before this pii..
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I think a lot of people suffer setbacks at some point during their withdrawal, the majority are within the first 10 months but some people suffer them after this time. The good news is the further you get out the less chance you have of a setback so there is a very high chance this is your last benzo nightmare - stay strong Cool :)
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It happened to me at just over 21 months out and lasted six weeks. Now at 24 months and one week I'm  improving daily and its wonderful. Stay strong Cool as this could well be the final countdown or the storm before the calm.......  :thumbsup:


Sorry but it's good to know that this can happen. Thanks for the reply and I'm sorry u had to go through this so far out. I'm glad you're feeling better. Hope u are done with this soon!

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omg cool.. me too i think i'm dying.it hit me around the first of nov and i can.t get out of bed i'm losing more weight and last night was my worst night ever. i think this is the end of me..i think i'm dying..sorry i'm no hel to you.. today starts my 12 month from 6 weeks use.. i was the healhtiest person before this pii..


Sussie, I know what u mean! I've been in bed as well. I just bought a bunch of parts for my car to fix it and I can't get out of bed or off the couch. Every little movement revs me up more. I had it rough the first 4 months and then had some rough waves that would last a week or so but nothing like this! Sorry you are suffering so much.

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I think a lot of people suffer setbacks at some point during their withdrawal, the majority are within the first 10 months but some people suffer them after this time. The good news is the further you get out the less chance you have of a setback so there is a very high chance this is your last benzo nightmare - stay strong Cool :)


Thanks max and I hope you're right about it being my last. I can't take another one like this. I haven't been going to sleep till 8 am it's been so bad.

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Cool  and all here..so.sorry you are in such torment...I just came out of a 2 week wave when every thought was suicidal, hellish torment and it has now decreased...why? I m not sure....hanging onto prayer and hope....reading success stories , took a small dose of Propranolol ..seemed to coincide with the decrease but not sure.....may have helped with the looping, obsessive thoughts?...any thought on this? I m praying this will resolve for you( all of us) today...hang in there with me BB  :smitten:
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Beta blockers sometimes help but if I take them too much they make me feel sick and weird.

Me too I only take mine if my heart rate goes up it makes me so I can't cope of I take it daily! Hang in there what if this is the last wave! I'm right here w u in three days I'm 1 year off!

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Well right now I'd say tinnitus, fear and burning skin are my worst. The anxiety is always with me though and I think it's what causes most of the other sx. Look up panic attacks and it list several sx that we have.
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