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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

What does it feel like?


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For a normal user to take a benzo? I wouldn't know because it's always done the opposite of what it's supposed to. I get brain burning, agitation, feeling of akathisia in my body, throbbing pain, terror, anxiety, nausea.


What does it feel like to be a normal user? Is it like drinking a beer and feeling calm?

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It calmed my ruminating thoughts and anxiety. Relaxed me, gave me an "I don't give a damn" mindset. Made me dumb, I couldn't think clearly after taking it. Eventually, it made me very drowsy and put me to sleep (I took it for insomnia).


Physically, it gave me mild nausea, chills and dry mouth with extreme thirst almost every time I dosed, but I was so relaxed I didn't care much.


BTW, the ruminating thoughts and the anxiety were caused by interdose w/d from the Klonopin, I never had them before. I was taking it to alleviate its own side effects :idiot:

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Hi Time


I was prescribed nitrazepam for myoclonic epilepsy 40 years ago.


It made me high as a kite for about 8 weeks, lost a lot of weight, then attempted suicide.


Treated for depression for 40 years.  Unable to work for 10 years.


Now off nitrazepam for 20 months, last 14 months depression free.


Every day has been a struggle to function since 1974.  Very groggy. Affected memory, etc.


Total disaster. Ruined my life to some extent.


Looking forward to a better life.



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Xanax made me dumb. . It would help me sleep, though.  The very FIRST time I took it, before more regular use, it made me not care about anything, which helped for my flying anxiety or a dentist appointment. Valium I guess helps me sleep, but at night I take it with Lexapro - I think it's more the combination of drugs that help me fall asleep, but I have no idea. Other than that Valium does not "calm" me - at least not at my current dose. I think it would probably have to be doubled for it to have that affect. I now basically just take it to function/prevent CT.



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It still does relax and sedate me.  For a couple hours. The rest of the time I'm a nervous wreck.

Before I did my big cut it was like a miracle for me. It relaxed me like alcohol without the inconvenience of getting drunk.

when I first used it I used it for three things-long flights, dental appts and medical  procedures, and public speaking. my public technical talks, often televised and webcast, were considered masterful by the public agency that employs me. Little did they know. I moderatef a public tech panel recently in a state of total panic and actually did okay. Why didn't I just tough it out back then. Sigh.


But I came to realize I was doped up and missed some huge opportunities. I sat through a huge drop in real estate prices with a big sum in the bank intending to buy but a victim of inertia did nothing then looked up and saw prices inmy area jumped 25 percent in a year now everything seems too expensive. Now im afraid to lose the liquid cash because of this stupid wd. This is one of my My main regrets and obsessions darn it. Ive got to lose it.

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I thought Xanax was a miracle pill, until it turned its back on me with interdose and tolerance w/d and then when I jumped off, all hell broke loose.
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Klonopin at night made me feel relaxed and a lot less anxious during the day. I felt a little drowsy during the day but physically felt stronger and muscles felt tight and strong.

Now I'm just surviving each day, counting the days hoping symptoms will be better tomorrow.

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Klonopin at night made me feel relaxed and a lot less anxious during the day. I felt a little drowsy during the day but physically felt stronger and muscles felt tight and strong.

Now I'm just surviving each day, counting the days hoping symptoms will be better tomorrow.


You are two years out and still suffering? Dear God.  :'( :'(

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I remember going to a job interview, having taken an Ativan or two, and couldn't believe how very calm I was. But the calmness was short-lived. As soon as the drug wore off, my anxiety and blood pressure would climb very high. All hell broke loose when I started w/d from it, not knowing what was happening to me - thought I might be having a stroke a couple of times. Then came Klonopin. Terrible drug. Felt very tired, felt very old. Enough said about these drugs. They've been double-edged swords that have punctured all the joy out of living. Hope to regain that joy sometime next year.
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All valium did for me was allow me to sleep, which was what I badly needed at the time. It worked - until it didn't. Then it became the most horrible medication I've ever taken.
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Klonopin took my anxiety away.  It also took my passion for life, my creativity and just made me lethargic, depressed, and eventually suicidal.
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