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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.



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Hi, my name is Neukoln19 and I am a recovering benzodiazepine addict.


I'm joining BenzoBuddies in order to


1) Tell my story

2) Help others


I took benzos for upwards of 4 years. I am currently not on any benzos. I tapered once, but my final stint on benzos I went cold turkey.

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Let me elaborate a bit on my introduction.


My quit date was Feb 27 2014, and I'm looking forward to being a year clean.


I recently, in october, ordered some klonopin off the internet. I told my best friend about it and asked him to hold me accountable to give him the drugs. They came and he helped me intercept the package. From this I learned that I am not over my addiction. I work full time and am a grad student, so I don't have time for AA (nigh classes) and I see a one-on-one therapist and a psychiatrist. It's been a long, rocky road, but I think I've finally found peace. I want to be a part of this community so that I can continue to successfully grapple with my addiction.

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Hi neukoln19 and welcome.


Support for others is always welcome, and thanks.  I'll be interested in reading your story.


Your post doesn't mention whether you're still having symptoms, but here's a link to Post Withdrawal Support in case you do.


Please include your benzodiazepine information in your posts.  To make that easier by adding it to each post automatically, you can go up to Profile, choose Forum Profile, write the information in the text box and click Change Profile.


We're here to help people taper safely from benzodiazepines and are non-judgmental about people's circumstances in withdrawal.  Most of our members are tapering or recovering from prescription benzodiazepine rather than addiction issues.  We generally use the word 'dependent' if we're talking about a physical dependence.


Challis  :)


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Let me elaborate a bit on my introduction.


My quit date was Feb 27 2014, and I'm looking forward to being a year clean.


I recently, in october, ordered some klonopin off the internet. I told my best friend about it and asked him to hold me accountable to give him the drugs. They came and he helped me intercept the package. From this I learned that I am not over my addiction. I work full time and am a grad student, so I don't have time for AA (nigh classes) and I see a one-on-one therapist and a psychiatrist. It's been a long, rocky road, but I think I've finally found peace. I want to be a part of this community so that I can continue to successfully grapple with my addiction.


Good intercept!  Sounds like you're doing well with this.  We're glad to have you here, neukoln19.  I'm sure we have members here who know what you've been through and can help support you.



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